No you can't be pregnant and still have your period. You can have a light bleed but not a period. As for the whole negative test thing, it could be a false negative.
If you have had a negative blood test, it is very unlikely that you are pregnant
This could be a sign of pregnancy, It would be classed as a very early pregnancy and it would be best to wait until you are next due for your period and if you don't come on and your test is still negative then it is recommended to go to your g.p
If you are genuinely having a period, then the test will come out negative because you cannot be pregnant. However, some women think they are menstruating when they may be bleeding for some reason in early pregnancy. The test then could either be positive or negative depending on the condition of the baby.
You could be pregnant, but if I were you, I'd go straight to my doctor.
No. If you got a period after July, then you did not get pregnant in July.
Depends. Why aren't you having periods? A period is not necessary for pregnancy. Some women are "constantly" pregnant; that is they get pregnant after each birth before they have a period. (Each period is the result of not getting pregnant.)
Yes, you could be. Take a pregnancy test. If the pregnancy test is negative and then your next period doesn't arrive or is abnormal, go and see the doctor
no because your period controls your pregnancy.
You could by a small chance, but, you might also imagine the symptoms (phantom pregnancy). Or your pregnancy is too small at the moment. Try testing again in a week or two (when your period hasn't started). If still negative and you got the symptoms and no period then go see a doctor.
Yes you can
You very well could be pregnant. Get a pregnancy test if your suspect pregnancy.