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Could just be movement of gas or food.

have you recently eaten at taco bell...

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Q: I am not pregnant but I have been feeling movement in my stomach like a flipflop what else could it be besides pregnancy?
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Well you think im pregnant and you had your tubes tied?

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You could be pregnant, gas or you could be seeing your stool move through your intestines depending on where you are seeing and feeling the movement. You should go see an OB-GYN immediately though because if you are 6 or 7 months pregnant it is important that you receive prenatal care, especially the last few months of the pregnancy.

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yes, some women never even "feel" pregnant. missed periods are a dead giveaway and of course positive pregnancy tests! ~pawsalmighty

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Iregular periods are common, they come on and off for the first few years and can even just never settle out. I suggest a pregnancy test for comfort? But besides that, you wouldn't get your period at all if you were pregnant.

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A bloody pregnancy test? If you don't have your period then is there blood in your urine? If there is you could have a bladdar infection or worse and you need to contact a doctor. Besides that, it is possible to be 3 days "late" and be pregnant because you could have simply miscalculated the date of your next period or the HCG (pregnancy hormone) could not be high enough to register on a pregnancy test yet.

Can a cat get pregnant from the vagina?

There is no other way for a mammal to get pregnant, besides the vagina.

What can get you pregnant besides intercourse?

Artificial insemination.

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Can your blood test negative for pregnancy and still have morning sickness?

No, a negative pregnancy test means the nausea is caused by something besides pregnancy.

Can a girl get pregnant if her boyfriend ejaculated on her leg besides she is still virgin?

no she can't get pregnant.