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I've experienced the same thing. I read that stress could have a lot to do with it & at that time I was really stressed out. I have never experienced it before nor has it happened again. Don't worry but if it continues you should see your doctor. Hope this helps.

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Q: Ive been bleeding for 2 weeks now first it was like a really dark blood and only bleeding once or twice out the day now it looks like your normal period blood and my regualar period whats wrong?
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This could be a completely normal part of pregnancy. If you are concerned you should speak to your doctor for reassurance. If you are at risk of miscarriage you are likely to have really bad pain, and/or have bleeding.

Is it normal for your period to start one the first day of the sugar pill instead of second which it normally does?

yes its normal if you have a problem like really private you should really ask your mother she probley can be really try it she could serprise you. Hello. Unfortunately this does happen sometimes so dont be alarmed.

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this is normal you can't really stop it and it's only during your period if you are really worried consult your doctor

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You started your period or something is really wrong.

Is it possible to bleed every month while pregnant?

YES YOU CAN! The bleeding is NOT YOUR PERIOD though, since a period is technically the shedding of the uterine lining and unfertilized egg. No one is really sure what causes the bleeding.

What does it mean when your on your period and brown discharge comes out instead of blood?

It's still just menstrual fluid. This happens a day or so before you really start bleeding, and it tends to be brown at the end of your period. Older blood turns brown. Your period is more than blood. It's totally normal.