Trans fat and saturated fat are the unhealthy ones. Trans fat is worse than saturated fat. See also:Different types of fat - which are healthy?Some healthy snacksHow can I lose weight?Could you describe a balanced diet?What features would a good weight-loss program have?
Saturated Fat and MAYBE Trans Fat depending on the brand.
Saturated fat is considered to be more harmful to one's health compared to trans fat.
It doesn't have any saturated fat. Because it is clearly written Not a significant source of calories from fat, saturated fat, trans fat ......
Saturated fat and trans fat. Others are polysaturated fat and monosaturated fat
Poly-unsaturated Mono-unsaturated Saturated
Trans fat
In order to make a trans fat, an unsaturated fat must be heated to high temperatures, which greatly increases the rate of oxidation. The amount of oxidated fats in the diet is one of the chief factors in the development of atheromas in arteries. So while when eating unsaturated fats you will generally be consuming some oxidized fatty acids, when you eat trans fats you will be consuming a substantially larger quantity.
Yes, a total of 7g, 0g trans fat, and 2g saturated fat
No, saturated fats and trans fats are different. Saturated fat increases low-density lipoprotein, which is bad for you. Trans fats do the same thing, but also lower high-density lipoprotein, which is good for you. Trans fats are a lot worse.