my clear blue showed a pregnant sign and a 6 days later I looked at it again and it was negative.What does it mean?
It is recommended to read the results of a clear blue pregnancy test within the specified time frame (usually 3-5 minutes) for accurate results. Results may not be reliable or accurate after the recommended time frame due to potential evaporation lines or false positives/negatives. It is best to refer to the instructions provided with the test for more information.
Feeling movement in your abdomen without a positive pregnancy test is unlikely to indicate pregnancy. It is important to rule out other medical conditions that could cause these sensations. If you suspect you may be pregnant, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider for further testing and guidance.
The accuracy of a temperature scale is determined by the consistency and precision of its measurements. The Celsius and Kelvin scales are widely regarded as the most accurate due to their clear definition based on universal physical properties (water freezing and boiling points). Additionally, the Kelvin scale is preferred in scientific settings because it starts at absolute zero, the theoretical coldest temperature.
Weight scales can vary in accuracy depending on factors such as calibration, quality, and user error. Higher-quality scales tend to be more accurate, but they can still have small variations. It's always a good idea to use the scale on a flat, stable surface and to weigh yourself consistently at the same time of day for the most accurate results.
Yes, pregnancy can still occur even if a male withdraws before ejaculating. Pre-ejaculate can contain sperm and lead to pregnancy if it comes into contact with the vagina. The withdrawal method, also known as the "pull-out method," is not a reliable form of contraception.
Millikan's measurements of the elementary charge using his oil drop experiment are still considered accurate today, with only minor differences due to improvements in experimental techniques. His value is very close to the currently accepted value of the elementary charge.
probably not I'd want to be 100% accurate. I think it'd worth the extra $ to buy a new one.
If you are having a period you cannot be pregnant
No, the bleach pregnancy test is not a reliable or accurate method for determining pregnancy. Fizzing or bubbling in a bleach solution is simply a chemical reaction and does not confirm or indicate pregnancy in any way. It's important to use an approved and reliable pregnancy test for accurate results.
If you are on your period is unlikely you are pregnant. Ask your GP if you are concerned.
The ClearBlue pregnancy tests are 95% of the time accurate. If it comes back positive, then you are definitely pregnant, however if it comes back negative you may still be pregnant, so you may have to take it again in a few days.
You should wait to test at least 14 to 16 days after ovulation. However some women don't get accurate readings because they don't know when they ovulated, they ovulated late, or implantation was late. Most women are able to get an accurate home pregnancy test in 4 to 8 weeks of pregnancy. If you get negative home test and still feel that you may be pregnant you should see a Dr for a blood test as it can detect pregnancy much sooner.
Nuva Ring does not change the accuracy of a pregnancy test.
A pregnancy test on birth control will be accurate and probably negative. Birth control gives you pregnancy-type symptoms but if you have not taken your pills correctly or have been taking abtibiotics which may reduce their effectiveness take a pregnancy test.
Most home pregnancy tests are around 95% accurate.It's also more likely to have a false negative than a false positive. You should see a Dr for a blood pregnancy test now.
Yes, its possible though its more likely that the symptoms are menstrual related, not pregnancy. In a typical 28 day cycle, ovulation occurs about 14 days after the 1st day of the previous period and a pregnancy test is not very accurate until at least 10 days after that. Pregnancy tests are most accurate when you are sure you have missed your period.
it is very possible you need to see your doctor. My cousin did not know she was pregnant until 5 months in because she was having periods! go see your doctor. it is also possible you could have miscarried
pregnancy test could be wrong. try a more accurate one