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YES. The preejaculate fluid may contain enough sperms to cause pregnancy. And PLEASE keep the packs of condoms with you for your guy to be used, who may give you many more sexually transmitted diseases apart from HIV.

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9mo ago

Yes, pregnancy can still occur even if a male withdraws before ejaculating. Pre-ejaculate can contain sperm and lead to pregnancy if it comes into contact with the vagina. The withdrawal method, also known as the "pull-out method," is not a reliable form of contraception.

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Q: Is pregnancy may occur if the guy pull out his sperm out?
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Can you get pregnant if the guy pulls out and there is no pre-ejaculate around you?

While it's less likely for pregnancy to occur if the male partner pulls out before ejaculation, it is still possible. Pre-ejaculate can contain sperm, so even without visible pre-ejaculate around, there is a small risk of pregnancy if any sperm were present. It's always best to use contraception to reduce the risk of pregnancy.

If penis was put in the girls ass for two minutes and that also not the complete penis and the guy had just got naked therefore there was no cum Would that make a girl pregnant?

No, pregnancy requires the introduction of sperm into the vagina for fertilization to occur. In the scenario described, without ejaculation and penetration that allows sperm to reach the vagina, the risk of pregnancy is extremely low.

Is it the guy's sperm that makes the gender of a baby?

Yes. Sperm carry either an X or a Y chromosome. The eggs from a female's ovaries is always X. If the sperm has an X chromosome, the baby will be female. If the sperm has a Y chromosome, the baby will be male.

Could your girlfriend get pregnant if you inserted your penis in her vagina but didn't ejaculate?

As long as you are correct and you really did not ejaculate any semen, then pregnancy is impossible. Many published studies have shown that pre-ejaculate (also known as Cowper's fluid) does not contain sperm, and so cannot make anyone pregnant. (Some authorities hypothesize that pre-ejaculate may contain sperm cells if the fluid is released shortly after a previous ejaculation.)PLEASE NOTE -- even though passing sperm through pre-ejaculate is extremely unlikely, sexually transmitted diseases can easily be passed through pre-ejaculate.People who say they got pregnant (or know someone who did) "from pre-ejaculate" are probably kidding themselves. What really happened in these cases is that the guy accidentally ejaculated some semen inside before pulling all the way out. Remember, it only takes one sperm cell meeting one egg to cause pregnancy!Men can feel ejaculation. Ejaculate (containing sperm) is forced out by an involuntary muscular contraction deep inside the man. The problem is that by the time he feels that very pleasurable feeling of ejaculating, it's too late. The feeling of ejaculating is fantastic, but you have to pull all the way out before even the very first shot.NOTE: there is no particular sensation at all from oozing pre-ejaculate. It does not "shoot".It is theoretically possible for a man to withhold ejaculation, or to withdraw immediately before ejaculation, but this requires exceptionally good control. If you're not ready for pregnancy, it's better to withdraw early and finish "by hand" or use a condom.

Can a guy get a girl pregnant before his balls have dropped?

It is very unlikely for a male to be able to impregnate a female before his testicles have fully descended and he is producing mature sperm. Typically, testicles descend well before a male becomes sexually mature and is capable of reproduction.

Related questions

Can a girl get pregnant by a guy sucking her boobs?

No, it is not possible for a girl to get pregnant from a guy sucking her boobs. Pregnancy can only occur through sexual intercourse where sperm is deposited in the vagina.

If a girl and guy wearing underwear and guys sperm come out in his underwear and it touches girls underwear and then guy do fingering through her underwear will girl get pregnant?

Pregnancy can occur if sperm comes into contact with the vagina, regardless of whether it goes through clothing. While the chance of pregnancy in this scenario is low, it is not impossible. It is always best to use protection to prevent unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

Could you be pregnancy if guy sperm you during your period flow?

Unlikely but not impossible

Can you get pregnant if the guy pulls out and there is no pre-ejaculate around you?

While it's less likely for pregnancy to occur if the male partner pulls out before ejaculation, it is still possible. Pre-ejaculate can contain sperm, so even without visible pre-ejaculate around, there is a small risk of pregnancy if any sperm were present. It's always best to use contraception to reduce the risk of pregnancy.

How does two woman have a baby with each other?

Well, they need a guy in there somewhere. Pregnancy can't happen without sperm.

Does a girl get pregnant even if the sperm of the guy comes out after inserting it in her after sex?

If the boy ejaculates after withdrawing it from the vagina the chances of getting pregnant are much lower, but they are not zero, since there are a few sperm in the pre-ejaculate (precum), and she can get pregnant from this. Also, depending on where the sperm lands when he ejaculates makes a difference. If he were to ejaculate onto her belly or back, some could drip into her vagina and, though not as likely, can still cause pregnancy.

Does washing your vagina out after a guy withdraws in you lessen the chance of pregnancy?

No - sperm can swim up through into the uterus within a couple of minutes. If you want to avoid pregnancy just use reliable birth control.

If a guy entered only 3 times can you get pregnant?

Yes ... and ... pregnancy could occur if it was only 1 time, too.

If a guy pulled out and then cumedbut he precumed inside of hercan she get pregnant?

Yes pregnancy in such situation can occur as all of the seminal fluid contain sperms.

Is it hard to get a positive pregnancy test with a guy sperm if he smoke a lot?

What is he smoking? If they are cigarettes then no. I have had 4 boys all healthy and my husband smokes so no, cigarettes have no effect to my knowledge

What are the chances of pregnancy if you don't use a condom but don't even come close to finishing?

20%. even if the guy doesnt finish there is still a possibility that the pre-cum has sperm in it.

What happens if a guy sperms in you and ure pregnant?

Clearly, if a guy ejaculates in your vagina, the sperm will swim all the way up inside, and you can possibly be pregnant. When the sperm gets its way in the vagina, thousands of of small sperm will find the egg that females have. Only one sperm can make a female pregnant. You will know if your pregnant if your late on your period. Wait a week from now and see if your late, and if you are go take a pregnancy test. Don't stress. this is only 100 percent if you DON'T wear a condom and have "safe" sex. that pregnancy is preventable. If you don't want to be pregnant, wear a condom. Good luck on everything.