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There's always pre-ejaculate so yes, there's a risk.

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Q: Is it possible to get pregnant if the guy didnt release sperm?
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Can you get pregnant even if the guy didnt ejactulate in you?

Possible, if there was some sperm present in the pre-ejaculate.

Is it anyway possible to be pregnant if the male has had a sperm duct removal vasectomy?

only if the doctor didnt do the visectomy right

Can woman become pregnant if sperm didnt enter her body?

If sperm has not entered the womans body then sperm will not come in contact with the egg so no you will not get pregnant.

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You cannot get pregnant from swallowing sperm, only if the sperm enters the vagina.

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Yes, it is possible for a girl to get pregnant from dry sperm on underwear if the sperm comes into contact with the vagina.

Is it possible for a girl to get pregnant with out a boy?

No. To get pregnant, there needs to be sperm and and egg. Eggs come from girls and sperm from boys.

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Yes, if the sperm is still alive there is the possible chance she can get pregnant.

Can you get pregnant from sperm YHATS already in the condom but didnt touch air?

yes you can! believe me!

Can you get pregnant by lower body fondling?

To become pregnant, sperm must enter the female's vagina. If no sperm is involved, it isn't possible.

Can you get pregnant by sperm on the virgina?

It is possible for those sperm to find their way into the uterus and cause pregnancy.

Can you not get pregnant if a little bit of sperm gets in you?

Yes, it is possible.

Is it possible to get pregnant when you swallow sperm?

No. The reproductive system of a female is separate from the digestive system in every way. You cannot get pregnant from swallowing sperm.