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If sperm has not entered the womans body then sperm will not come in contact with the egg so no you will not get pregnant.

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u probably asked this question because u want to get pregnant

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Q: Can woman become pregnant if sperm didnt enter her body?
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To become pregnant, sperm must enter the female's vagina. If no sperm is involved, it isn't possible.

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No; sperm must enter the vagina to get pregnant.

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No. No person on Earth can become pregnant without sperm.

When will a girl become pregnant?

Women become pregnant when a sperm fertilizes one of her eggs.

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No, the only way for you to get pregnant is for the sperm to enter the vagina.

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Absolutely not. Women can only become pregnant when sperm enters the vagina.

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ANSWER :You can get pregnant even if the penis doesn't enter. All that needs to enter is the sperm.

Can you get pregnant from sperm YHATS already in the condom but didnt touch air?

yes you can! believe me!

If sperm gets inside the butt or the throat can you still become pregnant?

Sperm has to come in contact with your vagina to get pregnant.

Can girls get pregnant in the but?

That's tricky. Sperm must enter the vagina and find it's way to the egg for a girl to become pregnant. So technically, a girl can't get pregnant from anal sex. However, even a tiny amount of sperm making its way to her vagina can get her pregnant, and this can happen by leakage after anal sex.

Do you become pregnant if the sperm is released upon the vagina?
