Without the introduction of a male to the situation and the transfer of sperm to where it can meet the egg somehow, a woman cannot get pregnant. So two lesbians on their own cannot each other pregnant, no.
You get pregnant by having sperm entering your vagina so no.
sperm fertilzes the egg, without sperm no baby... so there is NO way a woman can get pregnant without contact of sperm
No because sperm fertilizes your egg and without the sperm you cant get pregnant
No. Sperm is needed to become pregnant and that involves a man. The fact you now have mensuration means that the potential of getting pregnant is there.
You need a female egg and male sperm to get pregnant. A plastic penis won't do it. A turkey baster filled with some friendly neighborhood sperm might, though.
Why in the world would somebody become pregnant to a pillow? No, you can't become pregnant to a pillow.
Women become pregnant when a sperm fertilizes one of her eggs.
No, a girl can not get pregnant without the presence of sperm.
Absolutely not. Women can only become pregnant when sperm enters the vagina.
Sperm has to come in contact with your vagina to get pregnant.
Technically no, but since sperm are microscopic you can't always know if any has. You can become pregnant without the man ejaculating though -- the precum (when the penis sort of "leaks" a little bit with arousal or as he approaches orgasm) contains sperm, and this is more than enough to get you pregnant. This is why the "pullout" method of contraception is so ineffective.