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If you just recently got it pierced, then it makes sense for it to bleed a little and feel sore. If the piercing is old, it might be irritated. Rinse with salt water to cleanse the area.

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Q: Is it normal to have a bit of blood around the top ball of your tongue piercing?
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Is it all right to have blood around your tongue piercing?

I don't have my tongue pierced but im guessing that its probably ok. You should asked the person that pierced it.

What if tongue is white after piercing?

Go see a doctor. You either have an infection (white stuff on the surface of the tongue) or may have injured something (a tongue should be pink if it has adequate blood flow.)

White lump in front of tongue piercing?

This is totally fine and normal. Don't sweat! All it is is the tongue's version of a scab. Since its a moist environment though, it's not going to be a normal looking/feeling scab that you would get on your skin. Basically, white blood cells rushing towards the excess bacteria in the wound, and it forms pus. The pus gradually just ends up forming a white lump near your piercing which will go away when your tongue is totally healed. Just keep rinsing with sea salt.

Is it normal to have a little bruise after gettin gyou r tongue pierced?

Having a swollen, tender, or bruised piercing after the initial appointment is very normal. It's just your body's way of telling you that it doesn't like it in there. A little bleeding and puss coming out of the piercing is also normal, but nothing excessive. There should not be anymore blood than to fill up the head of a cotton swab after the first few days. Take some ibuprofen, not aspirin because that will dilute the blood and make it more noticeable, to reduce the swelling/discomfort.

Is it safe to get a nose and tongue piercing at the same time?

The maximum number of piercings that would be considered safe at any one sitting is 3. Even though piercing is relatively safe when in a controlled environment of a professional body piercing studio, there is a limit to what the body will cope with. Any invasive procedure will tax the bodies ability to cope with the stress of piercing. So getting a tongue piercing and a nostril piercing won't be too bad, however be sure you have a good meal ( actual food, not junk food and candy ) at least 1 hour before you get the piercing done. This will allow your body to maintain it's normal blood sugar levels and allow you to cope with the piercing experience.

Can you get your tongue pierced if you are taking warfarin?

It is generally advised to avoid getting tongue piercings while taking warfarin or other blood thinners, as they can increase the risk of bleeding complications. It's important to consult with your healthcare provider before proceeding with any piercing to discuss the risks associated with your medication.

When you get tongue piercing what should you not do?

After the initial piercing, you will need to drink water to clot the blood - you should not smoke for 10 minutes once the bleeding had stopped. Do not use sea salt water washes unless your piercing become very sore and swollen and does not go back to normal after 5 days. Do not use mouthwash, gently brush around the area if the surface of your tongue becomes white and stringy. Do not touch the bar without washing you hands first and do not let the balls on either end become loose, check them regularly. Although you can downsize the bar a week after piercing, only use titanium with the larger balls. Do not put other metals or plastic jewellery into the piercing during the healing period. Other than that, enjoy having your piercing. Hope all goes well.

Will your tongue get infected if you drink alcohol the day after getting it pearced?

It isn't advisable to drink alcohol for at least a week after getting any piercing because it thins the blood and can leave the open piercing susceptible to infections.

Does a tongue ring effect diabetes?

I don't think it can, but it is quite possible. If you eat something sugary that you aren't supposed to eat, that could go straight to your blood stream from the hole in your tongue. It can also be dangerous in other ways. Someone I know had an infection around the piercing, and almost lost his tongue. I would just be extra careful with your tongue. It is a very important part of your is anything else on your body.

How can the tongue infection go away?

Pain, swelling, bad odour, discharge of blood and puss from the piercing, sore throat, fever, chills. This means you are in serious shape and medical attention is required without delay. Infected tongue piercing can go septic and require medical attention and antibiotics to treat.

Is numbness at the tip of your tongue normal after a tongue piercing?

No way that's nerve damage for your own sake get it removed immediately. Get to the doctor now . I am one. _________ One thing the "doctor" didn't think of is trauma. Sometimes, your brain will block pain completely by making a certain area of your body numb. I would wait a day or two but if feeling does not come back I would remove the piercing and then wait another day or two and if still no feeling then you need to see a doctor.

Is it normal for your ear lobe to bleed about a month after piercing?

A month isn't very old for a piercing. So yes, its probably normal. Especially if you hit or tugged on it. If you're really worried about or if its more than just a few drops of blood, go see a professional piercer to have them check it out. Its really difficult for me to say its completely normal without seeing the piercing/ how much blood there is. If its bleeding profusely, go to a doctor. Good luck :)