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because there is the risk of hitting an artery in your tongue and bleeding out. An experienced piercer will have no problem with a tongue piercing though.

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10mo ago

Tongue piercings carry a higher risk of complications due to the proximity to important structures like blood vessels and nerves in the mouth. The mouth is also a breeding ground for bacteria, increasing the risk of infection. Additionally, tongue piercings can lead to issues with speech, chewing, and oral health.

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Is a 16G or a 14G tongue piercing bigger?

A 14G tongue piercing is bigger than a 16G tongue piercing. The "G" stands for gauge, with a higher number indicating a smaller diameter. Therefore, a 14G piercing is thicker than a 16G piercing.

How painful is a tongue piercing?

The initial piercing is not painful. The only thing felt is the pressure of needle. The clamp on the tongue hurts more than the actual piercing. The healing after is the painful part. The tongue will swell, and the muscle will be sore. As the tongue adjust to the metal and heals itself from the initial tear and swelling, the pain will subside, generally over a few days following the piercing. By experience, a piercing in the upper cartilage hurts more than a piercing in the tongue.

In tongue piercing more painful than industrial piercing?

No actually there are no pain receptors in the center of the tongue, they are all along the outside edge of the tongue to remind you not to bite your tongue. We are just piercing the center connective tissue between the two muscle complexes that make up the tongue so it quick simple and for the most part painless. The discomfort comes the 2nd and 3rd days post piercing when the swelling can be a bit painful and annoying. If you follow the instructions provided to you by your professional body piercer you should do just fine.

Is there anything to do with your tongue that would stop you getting it pierced?

Answer 1: The main concern is not to hit major veins. It's harder (more painful, and maybe riskier for some people) to get one's tongue pierced RIGHT SMACK DAB in the middle, rather than slightly off-center, so most people get it slightly off-center. If you want a tongue WEBBING piercing, you need to have a sufficiently webbed tongue (I did not; so sad). And, of course, if you were a hemophiliac, terrified of pain, or super-prone to infection or, I dunno, heart attacks in reaction to pain, then you might want to avoid a tongue piercing.

Is it possible to get a cheaper tongue piercing than 60 in upstate NY?

If you're going to be a cheap about your piercing, you're gonna get a hack and a bad piercing ...sorry to be harsh but its true. Save yourself in the long run this is your tongue.

Does a tongue piercing give you greater oral pleasure?

Yes, it is said that if a person has a tongue piercing and goes down on their lover, it is very pleasurable for the lover, more so than normal. It is also said that kissing someone with a tongue piercing enhances the intimacy and overall pleasure of the moment.

What hurts more a tongue piercing nose piercing belly piercing or hip piercing?

Tongue piercings do not hurt much. Even a tongue web or double tonuge which seem to have a higher pain level, do not hurt too much. As ar as I 've experienced, an ear piercing hurts more than any other piercing. I am plannig to have a conch piercing and just read at site rightpiercing dot com that it hurts too much if I plan to have an inner and outer conch at the same time. Emily

Does it matter how large your tongue is in order to pierce it?

When you go to book your appointment have the piercer look at your tongue before hand to tell you if there is enough free room for a tongue piercing. If you are told there is not enough room, then take that as fact and find something else to get done. Be aware that there are some less than reputable piercers who will attempt to pierce a tongue that just doesn't have the safe room for a piercing. This can cause damage to the gums and teeth more than a standard tongue piercing would cause.

How old do you have to be to pierce your tongue in Texas?

In Texas, you must be at least 18 years old to get a tongue piercing without parental consent. If you are younger than 18, you will need written consent from a parent or legal guardian to get a tongue piercing.

How bad does a tongue piercing hurt in comparison to a dermal anchor?

I've never had a dermal anchor piercing but I can imagine they hurt quite a bit depending where on the body you get it. But I had my tongue pierced just over a year ago and I didn't feel a thing. Because the tongue is a muscle, the needle just slips through the layers rather than piercing through it. It can be uncomfortable afterwards, but it just feels like a muscle ache but in your tongue, and it does swell up, but mine was completely fine after 5 days of having it done. x

Can you bleed to death from a tongue piercing?

Actually yes you can. Some people have a third vein running down the middle of their tongue and when one gets a tongue piercing it is done in the middle of the tongue. So when the needle pierces it it will bleed more than tongues w/o that third vein would. But you can still get a tongue piercing if you have that 3rd vein. All professional piercers know how to control bleeding. It's in their training

If a girl has a tongue ring what does that mean?

Well actually she would have a "tongue piercing" not a "tongue ring" and it means nothing other than she has and enjoys piercings and to think anything other than that is just wrong on your part.