Well if you have an experienced body piercer doing a *traditional tongue piercing (*center line tongue piercing) there should be no issues and he/she knows what to look for. If you are getting any variation of tongue piercing which goes through the actual muscle structures of the tongue then you are on your own and your piercer has no idea what's under the tissue. The location of veins, arteries as well as nerve roots can vary from person to person. The risk is much higher than standard traditional tongue piercings. So be sure you really want this done and if so be prepared to accept the consequences of your request. A real professional body piercer will not venture into unknown territory without doing a large amount of research before hand. But it still comes down to you doing your research and checking out the piercer before you commit to a piercing.
Pain levels can vary for each person, but generally getting your tongue pierced is more painful than getting your bellybutton pierced due to the denser nerve endings and sensitive nature of the tongue. However, both piercings are known to cause discomfort during and after the procedure.
It is not recommended to get your tongue pierced if you are tongue tied, as it can lead to complications such as difficulty speaking or eating. It's better to consult with a professional piercer or doctor for personalized advice.
The feeling of the clamp on your tongue during piercing can be uncomfortable and may cause some pressure or pinching sensation. It is done to hold the tongue in place and make the piercing process easier for the piercer. Some people may find it more uncomfortable than others, but the sensation is usually brief.
What you must have heard was tongue in cheek and it means farcical. A play done tongue in cheek makes fun of itself. It is a parody. Basically: joking. Tongue in cheek refers to the facial gesture of using the tongue to make the cheek stick out on one side, which is a sign of skepticism or disbelief. Something said "tongue in cheek" is not to be taken seriously.
The standard length for a tongue piercing bar is typically around 1 inch (25mm) in length. This allows for swelling that may occur after getting the piercing. The initial bar can be replaced with a shorter one once the swelling goes down to ensure a proper fit.
Yes, it is correct to say "Getting this done in a timely manner" if you want to express the need for something to be completed promptly.
i have both. pain wise my tongue hurt alot more. it was a sharp pain and my tongue was swollen for quite awhile afterward. tattoos only have a constant tingle-like sensation when your getting them done
At a piercing parlor. Getting it done by a professional is best.
Only if it's done at a dirty shop or at home with no skill and no sterilization equipment.
Nope, i've had my tongue pierced, and i didn't have to take my lip piercing out.
It depends on your age and where you get it done.
Yes but clean in out very well after your done with mouthwash
getting your toung done doesent hurt at first.until the next day you find it hard to eat getting your belley dun is worse
getting your toung done doesent hurt at first.until the next day you find it hard to eat getting your belley dun is worse
i got my tongue done when i was 14 x its not sore at all x infact getting my teeth dunn was wose lol x GO FURR IT
Obviously infection is one of the most common issues with tongue piercings but that is all to do with the maintenance of the piercing whilst it heals. Complications with the actual piercing can be quite similar to any other piercings. Nerves are everywhere in your body including your tongue. I have had my tongue done and had a rather painless piercing procedure and healing however a friend of mine had hers done a year ago and a nerve in her tongue was hit and she had swelling and constant pain in her tongue down and down her neck and was unable to eat or speak for over a week. If you are considering getting your tongue done speak to a few people who already have it done and go to a piercer that they recommend and who sound the most experienced.
You change the whole thing after 2 weeks .
Not really but you should keep the talking down to a minimum, it irritates the piercing.