Obviously infection is one of the most common issues with tongue piercings but that is all to do with the maintenance of the piercing whilst it heals.
Complications with the actual piercing can be quite similar to any other piercings. Nerves are everywhere in your body including your tongue. I have had my tongue done and had a rather painless piercing procedure and healing however a friend of mine had hers done a year ago and a nerve in her tongue was hit and she had swelling and constant pain in her tongue down and down her neck and was unable to eat or speak for over a week.
If you are considering getting your tongue done speak to a few people who already have it done and go to a piercer that they recommend and who sound the most experienced.
She gets her tongue pierced, that's what it means...........a pierced tongue. Don't go looking for a deeper meaning in something that isn't there.it gives guys the wrong immpression
Yes you can
by experience i did mine wrong and i pierced a vain all that happen was that my tongue got num for a week and there was alot of blood
Well without seeing it I cant tell you if it's right or wrong. If it appears to be lop sided then try putting a shorter barbell into the piercing. That should make it appear straight.
he has one eyebrow piercing,ears pierced and tongue - wrong, his ears are not pierced ! - actually he has his eyebrow, tongue, ears, NOSE, and I'm not sure if it's only one of his nipples or both, pierced. if you think I'm wrong check out the new Tokio Hotel TV episode "Secret Test Drive", it came out just today, and you can clearly see all his piercings OR P.S. i think it's getting a little bit out of control... but don't let that stop you from liking him
I would say maybe 14 to get your belly button pierced so that the person is more mature and will look after it properly.
Sure why not, there is nothing wrong with the enjoyment of another person who also enjoys piercings. Just be sure you are attracted to the person, not just the piercing.
Well a couple of things. 1) the tongue swelling is excessive. 2) the piercing placement is wrong and a vein has been hit. 3) you are playing with the tongue piercing too much and irritating it. Needing more information about the situation, the above should be starting points for you to consider.
If you don't pierce your tongue wrong then what's the problem?
There is no specific data available on the number of people who die daily from tongue piercings gone wrong. Complications from tongue piercings can include infection, excessive bleeding, nerve damage, or swallowing the jewelry, which can lead to serious consequences. It is important to choose a professional and reputable piercer and follow proper aftercare instructions to reduce the risk of complications.
it means you have tongue cancer
The only way to find out what's wrong with your tongue and teeth is to see a dentist. If there is something wrong with your teeth, like being broken, they could be scratching your tongue which can make it sensitive.