I would say maybe 14 to get your belly button pierced so that the person is more mature and will look after it properly.
Yes you can
Pretty much signing a waiver saying that your parent and/or guardian is responsible for you and that they are giving the company the right not to be held liable if anything goes wrong.
No its notwrong for a 12 year old to have there belly pierced your only young once but that's mostly up to the parents
you can't unless your the age or over from where you don't need your parents permision to get a piercing and i would not pierce it yourself as known the belly button is more likely to get infected then any other piercings and mine is now but i got it done preoffesionally so don't even attempt to pierce it yourself you could do it wrong or anything so I suggest you just try talking to your mum and show her a video of somebody having it done and that is does not hurt and a few images which is really pretty which may change her mind hopefully and just try persuading her don't get mad if it does not work just wait you have plenty of time to get your belly button pierced.
Wrong Answer that you want to...... Right Answer Goes back to belly dancers, it was to be attractive and alluring howeve it doesnt indicated that you want to??????????
Directly in? No, usually you have lint and dirt inside of that stinky hole. Hair is on the outside even though it might seem like its on the inside. Correct me if im wrong.
hellz no!what do u wanna do?kill da baby......
If you have pain below your belly button and just above your groin, you could be either pregnant (pregnancy discomfort) or growing some cancer (testicular cancer for men).
It may not be natural or normal. Some people think it's weird some people think there's nothing wrong with that. As far as I'm concerned it can't be worse than playing with your penis or your vagina. I think if you want to play with your belly button it's your own business. Some people think you should see a therapist if you play with your belly button but it's not true. The therapist will tell you that playing with your belly button can't be worse than masturbating or self-orgasm.
Answersee a doctor right away!what is it
Im 13 and have my nose pierced i see nothing wrong w/ it as long as their responisble enough to keep it clean and have it not get infectedYou will have to check the laws for the area that you are living in. Some states do not allow minors to get piercings other than the ears. Some allow it with parental permission.Personally to me its to young but ultimately your choice
so i got my belly button pierced in october. i didnt like how the guy did it so i took it out and got it redone around the end of December over winter break. its been fine and has had the usual symptoms everyone gets when they get their b.b pierced. however a couple weeks ago i tried to switch the ring. when i tried to take the old one out it wouldn't budge. stupidly i roughly pulled it out. this is really disgusting but a ring of puss came out. now theres a tube of skin around the bottom hole and it seems as if the inside of the piercing is emerging out. is this possible and if so what can i do to fix it? i just wanna make sure im not overreacting but if something is wrong then i want to take care of it asap.