It may not be natural or normal. Some people think it's weird some people think there's nothing wrong with that. As far as I'm concerned it can't be worse than playing with your penis or your vagina. I think if you want to play with your belly button it's your own business. Some people think you should see a therapist if you play with your belly button but it's not true. The therapist will tell you that playing with your belly button can't be worse than masturbating or self-orgasm.
You can't unscrew your belly button; it does not work that way.
You can either take out your jewelry, or you can purchase special belly button jewelry for pregnant women, which are simply referred to as pregnancy belly button rings.
Clean it out
Well, sweetheart, your belly button is called a belly button because it's literally a button-like scar left behind from where your umbilical cord was attached during fetal development. It's not winning any creativity awards, but hey, at least it's descriptive and to the point.
He was rumored to not have a belly button.
you cant. you either have a inny or a outy and that happens from your embellicord
Nothing happens just might get a little crusty :D i assume u are talking about your belly button just be sure to wash it
Out Belly Button
A belly button ring is a body piercing placed in a cauterized area of the belly button.
My belly button is located in the center of my abdomen.
le nombril is the name for the belly button in French.