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you cant. you either have a inny or a outy and that happens from your embellicord

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Q: How do you make your belly button pop out?
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Can you make your belly button pop out?

It is possible. I can do it by pushing down on both sides of my belly button. I can't get it to stay out without tying it up, but some people can.

When does a pregnant woman's belly button start to stick out?

That very much depends on your body/belly button type, how big you get and when you 'pop'. Some women have their belly buttons pop out as early as 14 weeks! Some women don't have it happen until their third trimester. It also changes; your belly button can pop a bit, and then kind of even out with your belly not seem as big since the belly is huge.

Hard belly button?

The belly button is the spot on the body where the umbilical cord attached in the womb. In pregnant woman the belly button starts to pop out as a woman gets later in her pregnancy.

When you are pregnant when does your belly button pop out?

When the baby's done! No, it doesn't always happen. There is no way to predict whether or not your belly button will pop out pregnancy to pregnancy and is mostly related to the position of your baby. Some women are quite annoyed by this and will even tape their belly button flat to their pregnant bellies. It is helpful to know that your belly button popping out can be normal and is not harmful to you or your baby.

I gained 5 pounds and my waist exceded an inch in trying to pop my belly button which failed so how much do you have to eat to pop your belly button?

you if you have hole (innie) and you want to pop it out (outie) the best thing to do is suck it out with a syringe. grab syringe and suck it right out until its protruding then you will have an outie.

Is it normal if your belly is getting hard above your belly than under your belly button?

I'm 11 weeks pregnant and my belly button has started to get firmer. My belly is also firmer and fuller, which is normal. My belly button is also a bit sore at times...I think this is because around weeks 16-20 it will start to pop out, which is also normal. your worries.

Can you make your belly button stick out?

yes you can, but it won't stay out for ever, i get mine out because i have a belly button fetish,and i love it.

As you gain weight does your belly button pop out more?

The belly button does not pop out if you plainly gain weight. This only applies to pregnant women. The growing fetus, uterus, and amniotic fluid buildup cause the abdomen to expand, stretches the skin that pops the navel out.Ê

Why is your navel important?

For many, the belly button is a central focus of the abdomen. The belly button may be small, but it does make a difference. While it may not be necessary for living, a missing belly button just looks strange.

What did body part did Alfred Hitchcock not have?

He was rumored to not have a belly button.

Dose your belly button close up when your preg?

No, in fact it stretches out with the rest of your body and "innies" sometimes pop out.

How do you make your belly button come out?

You can press around it/the belly part and then start to cave in an then grap it