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Yes, it is perfectly normal for you to have a 40 day menstrual cycle. The typical menstrual cycle is 28 days but everyone is different so your cycles may be longer, also some cycles will be a few days longer or there can be reasons for delayed menstruation.

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Q: Is it normal to have a 40 day menstrual cycle?
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Is 37 day cycle is a normal period or irregular?

Depends...per WebMD (, "The menstrual cycle is measured from the first day of menstrual bleeding, Day 1, up to Day 1 of your next menstrual bleeding. Although 28 days is often cited as the "regular" cycle length, only 15% of women actually have such a cycle." * A teen's cycles tend to be long (up to 45 days), growing shorter over several years. * Between ages 25 and 35, most women's cycles are regular, generally lasting 21 to 35 days. * Around ages 40 to 42, cycles tend to be the shortest and most regular. This is followed by 8 to 10 years of longer, less predictable cycles until menopause.

What happens if you go over 28days between each period?

Nothing at all, it's normal. 28 days is the average menstrual cycle length - everyone is different so not everyone will have a 28 day cycle, also it's normal for cycles to change over time and for there to be a few days variation from one cycle to the next. If you go over 28 days then that simply means that your cycle is longer than the average menstrual cycle. Rather than expecting your periods every 28 days you should determine your own average menstrual cycle length. One menstrual cycle is the number of days from the first day of your period up until your next period, you add all these days together over your last 6 cycles and then devide by 6 to get an average. There are various apps for your phone or web sites that figure out your average menstrual cycle length for you. Take my cycles for example; July 25 (35 day cycle) June 20 (32 day cycle) May 19 (32 day cycle) April 17 (27 day cycle) March 21 (31 day cycle) February 18 (26 day cycle) So my average menstrual cycle is 33 days - as long as my periods fall within 26 to 40 days they are still regular. So you see my cycle is longer than 28 days, and there can be a little variation from one cycle to the next, this is totally normal and healthy.

What is the formula of age of gestation?

Gestational age is the time measured from the first day of the woman's last menstrual cycle to the current date and is measured in weeks. A pregnancy of normal gestation is approximately 40 weeks, with a normal range of 38 to 42 weeks.

Does stress delay your menstrual cycle?

yes, if you are 35 - 40 years old, otherwise no.

What is normal fsh levels during menopause?

LH and FSH levels are genetically predetermined.

What is the normal pregnancy numbers of days?

physicians normally guage a pregnancy in terms of weeks, 40 weeks. What 40 weeks means is from the day of your LMP (last menstrual period). 40 weeks: 40weeks * 7days/week = 280days for a normal pregnancy

How many gallons of water does a maytag dishwasher use on a normal cycle?

about 9.75 gallons of water or 40 liters per load day

How much blood does a woman lose during her cycle?

On average, a woman can lose around 30 to 40 milliliters of blood during her menstrual cycle. However, the amount can vary from person to person and cycle to cycle. If a woman is experiencing heavy bleeding (menorrhagia) and consistently losing more than 80 milliliters of blood per cycle, she should consult a healthcare provider.

How many weeks is a woman pregnant?

Pregnancy typically lasts about 40 weeks, calculated from the first day of the woman's last menstrual period to the estimated due date.

Is it possible to have a 36 or 40 day cycle?


Is there a possibility that a woman can be pregnant and have a normal period if she had intercourse 2 days after her period and her cycle is normally 35 to 40 day?

Although strange things can happen, it would be extremely unlikely given the combination of a very long cycle length and the apparently normal period.

How does an OBGYN calculate one's due date in pregnancy?

An OB GYN will use a combination of charts or computer applications in combination with a womans average cycle length to calculate the due date. They will also take into account the amount of time since the woman's last cycle.