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Q: Is it normal for the baby to lay low in your stomach early in pregnancy?
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Is it normal to feel pressure down there in early pregnancy?

yes because your baby is moving!! :)

Why do I have Sore abdominal muscles during early pregnancy?

Your body is preparing for the baby. As you have to grow, the muscles have to stretch causing tender stomach soreness.

Is it normal to have pain below the belly during early pregnancy?

well it only happens if you are doing something wrong with the baby or its contractions.

Why does your stomach get hard in pregnancy and then go away?

You are having braxton hicks..they are normal and is softening youre uterus for the baby to make his or her great debute..If u massage ure stomach they go away quicker,

Can you tell your stomach has gotten bigger at 1 month pregnant?

Women don't start showing so early on because at that stage in pregnancy, the baby is not big enough.

What week do your stomach begin to harden during pregnancy?

The stomach becomes hard as the baby grows in the stomach ,and takes proper form.

You have butterflies in your stomach but its too early to test for pregnancy?

You may well be pregnant. There are many symptoms of early pregnancy - tiredness, nausea, mood swings etc and yes having butterflies in your stomach can be a symptom of pregnancy - it was my first symptom. It would not be movement of the baby at all as you cannot feel movement until you are about 16-20 weeks on average, although this differs from woman to woman. Hopefully a pregnancy test will confirm whether you are pregnant or not.

It has been one day after embryo transfer is it possible to have fluttering in stomach?

Yes, but it isn't the baby you feel. A baby doesn't move this early.

What does pregnancy means?

Intrauterine pregnancy means that the pregnancy (fetus) is inside the uterus where it is supposed to be and not ectopic (in the tubes or anywhere other than the uterus).

Does shouting in the early stages of pregnancy harm the baby?

No. That early they can not hear anyway.

Why does baby not grow in their mother's stomach during pregnancy?

Babies grow in the uterus, not the stomach. Otherwise they would be digested.