The stomach becomes hard as the baby grows in the stomach ,and takes proper form.
The stomach is the organ which is the primary digester of food. It does not grow during pregnancy.
If you are slim you will probably start to notice the difference when you are 14-15 weeks pregnant. If you are carrying more fat in the abdominal area you will notice it later.
During sexual intercourse usually.
Hardness or tenderness of the stomach can be related to plenty of things for example constipation. But if your period came like it normally would, I would not be concerned of pregnancy but if you have any doubts, contact your dr.
The way in which a woman's body changes during pregnancy begins in the first trimester. Her breasts will grow and she will begin to gain weight. Throughout her pregnancy, her stomach will increase in size to accommodate the growing baby and she may get stretch marks. Near the end of her pregnancy, her ankles may swell due to water retention.
Could be pregnancy. Could be a stomach bug. Could be food poisoning. Best to start ruling them out, begin by getting a test. Home pregnancy test.
You can begin to notice breast changes as early as two weeks into your pregnancy. It won't be until much later in your pregnancy though that you will begin to notice your breasts "swelling" due to breast milk. It really varies upon when you will notice breast swelling in the beginning of pregnancy though.
Omeprazole is not the preferred medication for reflux during pregnancy. Pepci (Famotidine) is a better option. Please review any medications with your OB before you begin taking them.
Yes. Typically the thinner you are the faster you will begin to show in pregnancy (Sometimes as soon as 7-8 weeks!). This is because there is less fat covering the stomach region and your "baby bump" is more noticeable!
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As with everything, this depends on the person. Some women report their stomachs getting firmer toward the end of their first trimester. Most common seems to be stomach hardening at about 18-28 weeks. Other women say their tummy did not get firm until after 30 weeks.
Nerves begin to develop in a fetus during the first trimester of pregnancy, around 5-6 weeks gestation.