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It can take 8 to 12 days following sex for a pregnancy to begin.

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Q: How long does it takes for pregnancy to begin?
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How long pregnancy takes?

9 months

How long does it takes the male to get the symptoms from pregnancy?

Men usually don't get pregnancy symptoms.

Will you ovulate after pregnancy?

Yes, you will begin ovulating again after you give birth, but the time that it takes varies from woman to woman. Some women begin ovulating a month after pregnancy, others don't for 6 months.

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A pregnancy takes about 9 months.

How long it takes for pregnancy to show up?

One month

How long do you take progesterone during pregnancy?

It depends on your levels. Typically, progesterone is taken from the very beginning of pregnancy (sometimes before) until about 12 weeks, when the placenta takes over the functions of the ovaries. Frequent blood draws will indicate when you can begin weaning off the progesterone.

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The stomach becomes hard as the baby grows in the stomach ,and takes proper form.

How long it takes to know your pregnant if you never had a period cause I was on birth control?

Just as long as it takes for the pregnancy test to work, normally 5 minutes.

How long can it take a girl to get pregnant after seman is in her?

It can take up to 48 hours for the process of pregnancy to begin.

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It typically takes about 6-8 weeks for blood volume to return to normal after pregnancy.

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It takes a week in a half for a strawberry to begin to mold.

Is it possible to get pregnant even after long months of intercourse?

There is a possibility of pregnancy anytime intercourse takes place.