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yes because your baby is moving!! :)

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Q: Is it normal to feel pressure down there in early pregnancy?
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Is it normal to feel softer in your genital area if you are in early pregnancy?

In early stages of pregnancy your hormones are going crazy, it is possible to feel softer down there with the change in your body, or it is all in your head.

Why is my blood pressure higher when laying down and I am in early pregnancy?

Blood pressure is not always low during pregnancy, sometimes it is high, and most often it is normal. The reason it may be low is that the progesterone produced during pregnancy relaxes smooth muscle (causing constipation among other things) and the muscles of the arteries relax lowering the blood pressure.

Is it normal to have pressure in your uterus during early pregnancy?

You will find that this "pressure" is not your uterus, but your bowel. It is probably bloating. Pregnancy causes your digestive system to slow down so that your body can absorb more from the food you eat to support the baby. This is why you get constipated when you are pregnant. Your body knows that it is pregnant and has told your bowel to slow causing pressure in your lower abdomen. Try to eat a lot of bran products to get your bowel moving.

Is it normal to have sore hips in pregnancy?

Many women have sore hips during pregnancy because of the weight they are carrying or because of the baby pressing down on the hips.

Do you get cramps when your pregnant in lower stomach?

It depends on the person everyone is different mine are low down but from time to time i have cramps higher up

How hard do you sueeze nipples for milk in early pregnancy?

to stimulate early milk production: shower with warm water and face front part of body towards falling water. the warm water and pressure from the water helps. also, jump up and down a lot. the movement stimulates it also.

The Motor was repaired but when the oil is hot the Pressure goes down?

It is normal for the oil pressure to drop some when warmed up.

My baby was pushing down for about six weeks and I'm 37 weeks pregnant is this normal?

Talk to your doctor. Normal term pregnancy is 37-42 weeks.

Im 38 weeks pregnant and getting sharp pains and a lot of pressure down below and on ma lower back the doctor said her head is quite far down now and i keep waking up really early in the mornin?

This is all normal, and are signs that your body is getting ready to birth your baby! The last couple of weeks of pregnancy are challenging, with aches and pains, and trouble sleeping, but hang in there because your baby will come when it is ready.

When Im lying face down with my stomach against the floor for yoga it is tender in the lower section is this a sign of pregnancy?

The normal signs of pregnancy are 1) late period 2) positive pregnancy test. Look to those first; abdominal tenderness is not a sign of pregnancy.

How do you read quantitative hcg results?

Quantitative hCG results measure the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood. The results are typically reported in mIU/mL (milli-international units per milliliter) and are used to track the progression of pregnancy or assess for complications. Higher hCG levels generally indicate a healthy pregnancy, while lower levels may suggest a potential issue with the pregnancy.

What can you do to relieve early pregnancy cramping?

Lie down for a whilei have little pain in my stomach middle of the overlution did iam pregnant or nit