All this means is that your period is longer than normal. The fact you had sex a few days before your period doesn't change your menstrual flow.
Yes as long as the discharge does not smell bad or worse than your period and should only last a couple of days. If longer than two days go to the doctor.
If your period last longer then ten days I think you should talk to your doctor and she should be able to tell you what to take to stop your period, because I heard that it is some things to buy to stop your period last even longer than that.
Your period may last longer than the patch-free week. Continue using the patch as scheduled, regardless of bleeding.
No; having a normal period is a sign that everything is... normal. If your period is longer than usual, heavier than usual or abnormal in some way, than you should consider consulting a doctor.
Your actual period should last no longer than 6-7 days. (a week). During this time it can start, stop, be heavy, light...etc.
Yes, sometmes when you start birth control you will have break through bleeding and it can tie in with your period since you started the pill during your period.
It depends on the type of birth control. Sometimes after starting it, it could be longer than normal, and sometimes it will disappear the first month. Sometimes it will be normal, and sometimes is will be shorter.
Glycerin is a viscous liquid that slows down the evaporation of water in the bubble solution. This helps the bubble to maintain its structure for a longer period of time, resulting in a longer-lasting bubble.
It is normal for that to happen. The reason is the period was longer than normal seven days, and the uterine wall and the excess blood dried up. that turns the color a browinsh color...
It mens nothing some people last longer than seven days periods can last from 3-10 days
You need to go see your doctor ASAP. This isn't normal at all. Your period should last no longer than 7-9 days. If you have your period for more than 10 days strait, then something is up. I would recommended seeing your doctor right away!!!