If your period last longer then ten days I think you should talk to your doctor and she should be able to tell you what to take to stop your period, because I heard that it is some things to buy to stop your period last even longer than that.
It mens nothing some people last longer than seven days periods can last from 3-10 days
There's nothing unusual about a period lasting for up to 8 days. The average length of menstruation is 5-7 days, but a little longer than this isn't unusual at all and some women can last even longer.
You shouldn't worry so much about this. Sometimes periods can last that long or even longer. Just make sure that you are being sanitary. If your period last longer than ten days, consult a doctor.
Yes as long as the discharge does not smell bad or worse than your period and should only last a couple of days. If longer than two days go to the doctor.
Approximately 14 days after the first day of your last period, although the actual number of days varies depending if your cycle is usually shorter or longer than the average 28 days.
no - periods can last from 1 day (unusual) to 7 days or more. 4or 5 days is average for many women
All this means is that your period is longer than normal. The fact you had sex a few days before your period doesn't change your menstrual flow.
Your period may last longer than the patch-free week. Continue using the patch as scheduled, regardless of bleeding.
The average goat has a gestational period of 150 days, while the average dog's gestation period is 63 days. So, a goat's gestation period is on the average of 87 days longer than that of a dog.
You can always speak to your parents, brother, sister or healthcare professional if you are concerned about your period.3 to 8 days, everyone is different however some last longer than that
You need to go see your doctor ASAP. This isn't normal at all. Your period should last no longer than 7-9 days. If you have your period for more than 10 days strait, then something is up. I would recommended seeing your doctor right away!!!
A menstrual period usually lasts between 4 and 6 days, however this is just a guide and can vary greatly. Some periods may only last 3 days and some may carry on for longer than a week.