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It mens nothing some people last longer than seven days periods can last from 3-10 days

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Q: What does it mean if your first period lasts longer than 7 days?
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What does it mean if your period lasts longer then 7 days?

What it means when your period lasts longer then a week is usually stress related. It also can mean that your hormones are changing and altering your cycle. Sometimes the birth control you are on affects the amount of time you're on your period too.

What does it mean when your period is about 2 days shorter?

Menstruation usually lasts 3 to 5 days, but anywhere from 2 to 8 days is considered normal. Having a shorter (or longer) period is nothing to worry about.

How long until you get youre period after you finished youre period?

A cycle lasts 28 days so count 28 days from the first day of your last period

Do soap last longer on cold days or cold days?

It lasts longer on cold days.

Is it normal to have spotting for days followed by period?

Yes.. It is pretty normal for most women. If the spotting beyond your period lasts longer then a week, consult your dr!

Your period lasts every 6 days when you start?

no your period can be anywhere from 2 to seven days

Can you make your period last longer?

No you cant mine lasts for four days max. And that's that stop trying to change how human body works if ur period lasts for a week then it does nothing more nothing less but sometimes your period can last longer/shorter but that's up to ur body naturally to make that decision.

What happens when a girl starts her period?

When you first start your period you might have a little discomfort but it only lasts a couple of days with some bleeding of course.

What if your period lasts about 5 days the first 2 days heavy and very lite on 3 day why?

This is completely normal. Most women have a much heavier flow the first few days of their period, and then the flow gets lighter and lighter for the last few days.

What lasts longer Hanukkah or Diwali?

Hanukkah is 8 days and Diwali is 5 days.

When do you get off your period?

it usually lasts 6 or so days

What is the time period of Jaguar?

jaguars have a period that lasts between 90-105 days