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It can be depending on the situation. Some may have a harder time because they feel they have no real motivation to lose it. No one pushes them enough or helps them to make it a big enough priority in their life to lose weight, so kids just naturally follow the examples set. However, it can be easy since they are kids, they may have more free time to devote to creating a schedule for them to get in shape, and simple things such as running around on the playground can be a form of losing weight, exercise and fun without being able to tell the difference.

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Q: Is it hard for kids to lose weight?
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Is it hard to lose weight?


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It is not hard to lose weight while on Levothyroxine. Levothyroxine is a prescription drug which is used to treat hypothyroidsim. The consumption of this drug will actually help aid in weight loss.

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Yes you can if you try hard.

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I find it easy to gain weight and hard to lose it! I suppose it take all sorts.

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If you want to lose weight very quickly, try a calorie restrictive diet with a low intake of carbs. This is hard to do as you will feel hungry, but you will lose the weight.

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Not at all it helps if you diet to a certain weight and maintain it for a while it should be hard to get over that weight. I think dietng helps you lose weight in the future. I dieted and lose weight without dieting.

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They can exercise on the Ab Circle Pro.

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If you find it hard to lose weight in your arms, you may not be doing the right exercises. Also be sure to get enough protein and water in your daily diet.

How can you lose weight but the easy way and it is for kids?

There is no magic "easy" way to lose weight, for kids or adults, but there is a simple way to do it. Losing weight for both children and adults is a simple matter of burning more calories than you consume. So by cutting back on fats, sugar, and high carb foods, and adding exercise to your daily routine, you will lose weight.

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Can kids lose weight?

Yes, overweight kids can lose weight when they have the right diet and exercise plan. For more information about a healthy approach to weight loss for overweight children or teenagers, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions..

Can it be hard for a vegetarian to lose weight?

yes, it can. Mostly it depends on your genetics, your calorie intake, exercise routine, and stuff like that if you have a hard time loosing weight or gaining weight.