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No, because he is your boyfriend. Now if it was someone like your boyfriend's best friend that would't be alright...

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Q: Is it bad to show your boobs to your boyfriend?
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Should you show your breast to your boyfriend?

Sure. Why not. Fact: guys love boobs!

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Should you show your boyfriend your boobs?

Only do it if you are comfortable with it cause as a 16 yo guy i know he is comfortable to see them.

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They are could boobs boobs are awesome boys like you for them.

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If your trying to show off your boobs yea wear a bikini. (Edit) Everybody wears a bikini, but a string bikini is an invitation to your boyfriend that everyone gets to see. Perves don't understand that the invitation is private.

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its probably not from your boyfriend squeezing ur boobs (depending on how hard he does it) your probably just sensitive. its normal. but if it is sore to the point where they start to swell...go see a doctor.

Should you take your bikini off in the water at the beach so that your boyfriend can touch your large breasts?

No it just makes you look bad and make it seem like your giving yourself out to everyone around you and you boyfriend shouldn't be touching your boobs in public or even at all