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Only do it if you are comfortable with it cause as a 16 yo guy i know he is comfortable to see them.

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Q: Should you show your boyfriend your boobs?
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Should you show your breast to your boyfriend?

Sure. Why not. Fact: guys love boobs!

Should you show your 13 year old boyfriend your boobs?

yes u shuld

Is it bad to show your boobs to your boyfriend?

No, because he is your boyfriend. Now if it was someone like your boyfriend's best friend that would't be alright...

What should you do if your boyfriend keeps on squeezing your boobs?

Tell him to stop. If he continues, knee him in the groin, and leave him as he pukes.

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If your trying to show off your boobs yea wear a bikini. (Edit) Everybody wears a bikini, but a string bikini is an invitation to your boyfriend that everyone gets to see. Perves don't understand that the invitation is private.

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yes you should i have a boyfriend and he loves it ♥

Can you wear a girdle soon after giving birth?

no you should wear a bra and knickers to go outside with you should show your boobs

What can you do sexually to please your boyfriend?

Communication is key - talk to your boyfriend about his preferences and desires. Experiment with different techniques, positions, and activities together to discover what brings him pleasure. Remember that consent, mutual respect, and open communication are important for a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship.

You can never tell what your boyfriend does when he plays with your boobs why?

because they're fake.

Why did your boyfriend put his hands on your breasts then make out with you?

Men love boobs!

What should a girlfriend do with her boyfriend?

Show affection to each other and show you care.

What body parts should you show your boyfriend?

You should show your butt your pussies and breast to keep him satisfied