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Well in my case,it is bad I get stomach cramps an my whole body hurts.😖

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Q: Is it bad to eat chili while you're on your period?
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Is it bad to eat egg while on period and if so why?

Is it good to drink cranberry juice while youre on your period?

It's neither good nor bad to drink cranberry juice during your period or any other time of your cycle. You can drink what you like when you like, there's no benefit to cranberry juice during your period.

Your pulse rate is 103 is it dangerous?

depends on what youre doing. If you have that while just sitting around then it's bad, if you have that while walking it's OK.

Is nail polish bad while on your period?

Not unless your eating it. but then it is bad for you anyway

Why is chili bad?

Claiming that chili is bad is simply an opinion. Many people love eating chili, which is apparent in many areas of the United States because of numerous chili cook-off competitions. However chili may be bad for some, because it has beans that can cause gas, spices that may be too hot for some or celery pieces that are overbearing.

Is hitting your vagina while your on your period is it bad?

It is messy and gross

How can you tell if chili is bad?

You can tell if chili is bad by checking for signs of mold, off smells, or a slimy texture. If the chili looks or smells unusual, it's best to throw it out to avoid getting sick.

How do you know youre pregnant before you miss a period?

youlll either get reallly bad sickness or feel really crap. if you suspecty you are then wait and see if it comes. although some people still get ther period wen pregnant.

Is it bad to eat onions while you are on your period?

No. The food you eat while on your period does not affect the period or the body in any way that's different from the way it would affect your body otherwise.

I haven't had a period for a while but i still have discharge is that bad?

no your parts could get bruised

Is it bad to fast while playing softball?

yes, fasting while you play softball is really not a good idea. But i guess it depends on what level youre on. if you play fastpitch, you need to eat otherwise you will faint.

Is eating fish while on your period Bad?

no its not bad its actually really good for you because of its protein ... you can eat anything you want during your period except foods with a lot of salt in them