yes - I had constant strong hunger in the days leading up to my period, and then I found out I was pregnant ;)
Frequent urination can be an early symptom of pregnancy, but a UTI isnt' an early pregnancy sign.
no it is not an early sign of pregnancy
NO, that is a sign of hunger.
no take a pregnancy test. your brain is asleep but your body is still moving like your moving so you will always wake up hungry it's not a sign of pregnancy it's just your body doing what it normally does
constant breast pressure with hardness and enlargement is an early sign of pregnancy. good luck Joymaker RN
Nipple tenderness can be a sign of your period or early pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test if you think you're pregnant.
No, it is not a sign of early pregnancy. It is definitely not a sign of pregnancy. ***I disagree completely!! Here is a website to check out for any other who might have been misinformed by the following answer above: On this site, it lists the early symptoms of pregnancy; the last paragraph states: "Weight loss: Many women lose weight during early pregnancy due to food fetishes. One must eat healthy foods at frequent intervals to maintain the nutrient level of the body." Hope this helps!
Yes, it can be, but one of the minor signs.
No. Thrush is an infection, it has nothing to do with pregnancy
No. Thrush is an infection, it has nothing to do with pregnancy
No. If you are pregnant you may eat a lot, but it is not a sign of pregnancy, it is a sign of hunger and/or greed.