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Q: Are gas pains hunger pains and dizziness a sign of pregnancy?
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Is stomach pains a sign of Pregnancy?

not always.

Is waking up with really bad hunger pains an EARLY sign of pregnancy?

no take a pregnancy test. your brain is asleep but your body is still moving like your moving so you will always wake up hungry it's not a sign of pregnancy it's just your body doing what it normally does

Is a tight feeling in your stomach and sharp pains in your pelvic area as well as sensitive stomach to smells an early sign of pregnancy?

Sensitive to smells is a definite sign of pregnancy. Craps and pains could be pregnancy, but could also be your period. Take a test to be sure.

Could frequent headaches lower back pains and lose of energy be signs of pregnancy?

headaches are not a sign of pregnancy.

Is one of the signs of pregnancy when your stomach is always rumbling?

NO, that is a sign of hunger.

Does it mean that you are pregnant if you have pinching pains in your vagina 8 DPO?

Not a normal sign of pregnancy.

You have diarrhea and gas pains and your period isn't normal at all And you can't remember when you had your last period Can this be a sign of pregnancy?

yes it can Answer It could be that you have eaten something but it can be a sign of pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test.

Can early pregnancy cause nausea and dizziness?

Yes, for some women it can. It is worth talking to your midwife or doctor about it though, because it could be a sign of anaemia. Nausea and dizziness is quite common throughout pregnancy.

Does hunger feeling is also sign of pregnancy?

Yes, it can be, but one of the minor signs.

Is feeling bloated and soreness a sign of pregnancy?

Yes. Feeling bloated and having minor pains is a sign of pregnancy. It usually occurs the second month along with morning sickness.

If you are eating a lot does that mean you are pregnant?

No. If you are pregnant you may eat a lot, but it is not a sign of pregnancy, it is a sign of hunger and/or greed.

Is constant hunger an early sign of pregnancy?

yes - I had constant strong hunger in the days leading up to my period, and then I found out I was pregnant ;)