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It depends on what religion you're talking about. There are religions where it is considered a sin (particularly mainstream Christianity, including Catholicism and Mormonism), and religions were is is not considered a sin (most branches of Judaism, Unitarians, Pagans, some Christian denominations)

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Sexual orientation is not a sin. It is a natural aspect of who someone is. People should be accepted and respected for who they are regardless of their sexual orientation.

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Q: Is being bisexual considered a sin?
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Yes, being judgmental is considered a sin to some people. It is not one of the ten commandments, but it is something that is frowned upon as it is not our right to do so.

If a bisexual girl goes out with a guy is she considered bisexual or straight while they are dating?

She is still considered bisexual.

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Yes cheating is considered a sin. Cheating on a test or to any other person is a sin because by cheating you are being dishonest. Being dishonest is just like lying. And lying is a sin.

Can Catholics be bisexual?

They can be, we all get the freedom to make our own decisions, being bisexual is never a sin.

Do Mormons see being bisexual as a sin?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) teaches homosexual relationships are sinful. Being attracted to the same gender is not a sin, but following through on those attractions is. Therefore, being bisexual (admitting that you are attracted to both men and women) is not sin. Having a sexual relationship with someone that is the same gender as you (or anyone of the opposite gender that you are not legally married to) IS a sin. There are many gay and bisexual members of the Church, but they are supported in living a life of celibacy or marrying someone of the opposite gender, rather than being with someone of the same gender.You can learn more about what the Church teaches about homosexuality and bisexuality at the "Related Links" below.

Is there a problem with being bisexual?

There is nothing wrong with being bisexual, it's human nature.

Is Bisexual is a sin?

Obviously the perspective of what is and is not a sin will depend on who you are talking to, as different Christians have diffenent views on sin and what the Bible commands. One Christian perspective would to say that having a certain sexual orientation is not a sin - but wrongly acting on that orientation - eg. to have sex outside of marriage or sex with a person of the same gender - would be.

Will your bisexual husband stop being bisexual?

sexual orientation cannot be changed. If someone is bisexual, they are bisexual for life.

Is bisexual a sin?

Yes , Sorry but it is.In the Bible in the bible it says not tonot Do Homosexual Ways.A:A sin is when you do something bad, that you know is bad. Being bisexual is natural for some people, just like being gay is natural for some people (like me). So being gay, or being bisexual is just as natural as being straight is for other people. Straight people commit sexual sins when they treat someone badly, or take advantage of someone, or abuse someone. These are sins for everyone. But doing good things with other (consenting) people if you are gay or bisexual is just another way of being loving. And that is not a sin.

Is it normal for a bisexual teenage girl to want to be a guy?

Science has postulated that being bisexual is and always has been abnormal. So in affect being bisexual would be considered not normal, this is due to the fact that Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, so according to the Einstien's theory of relativity they should be attracted to each other. Being bisexual makes you magneticlly nuetral, thus you have no positive or negative. So in essence you really don't exist, and if not existing sounds good to you, then go right ahead and be bisexual.

In puritan times being born on which day of the week was considered a sin?

I am not aware that anyone considered it a sin to be born on a particular day. Friday was considered unlucky. as was the number 13, so Friday the 13th is doubly unlucky, but a sin?Believe it or not the puritans did considered it a sin to be born on Sunday - as you are not suppose to do any Labour on Sunday. It was a subject of debate in parliament and the house of lords and after two weeks of arguing they conceded that it was a sin and that the mother of such a child should do penance for her 'infraction'.

When do you start being bisexual?

If you're bisexual, you're born that way.