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sexual orientation cannot be changed. If someone is bisexual, they are bisexual for life.

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Q: Will your bisexual husband stop being bisexual?
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Is it possible for my husband to stop being bisexual?

Basically, no. But that's not important. The question is, can your husband maintain a monogamous relationship, and if not, are you comfortable with an "open" marriage. You and your husband need to talk this over, possibly with a couples counselor. The sex of the "other person" is not the issue.

If I repent for being bisexual and I cannot help but BE bisexual will God forgive me though I can't stop being what I am?

yes god will forgive you!

When does my husband's sister stop being my sister in law?

If you get divorced from your husband, all of his relatives stop being referred to as your in-laws.

Will your bisexual husband ever let go of being bisexual and love his wife and be attracted to her again?

First of all, sexual orientation is unchangeable. If a man is bisexual, then he will always be bisexual. Secondly, a bisexual man is by definition fully capable of loving his wife and being attracted to her. But if the man is actually gay, then that is a different matter altogether.

Is there a problem with being bisexual?

There is nothing wrong with being bisexual, it's human nature.

How do you get your husband to stop being crazy over beagles and hunting?

Go with him.

How do you get your husband to stop being hateful and childish?

have a nice long talk

Is the lead singer for Flyleaf Bi?

Um no she has a husband.. :/

What do you do if your husband had a bisexual act but won't tell you?

Unless you have absolute proof your husband had a bisexual act then you should have never have brought up the subject. If you found out from gossip then your husband has a right to know who told you. He may not be admitting to you he had a bisexual act because he's not guilty. Should you have proof he is afraid to admit it for fear of breaking up the marriage.

Can doctor help to stop a bisexual men?


Do more bisexual boys go gay or straight?

This is a contradiction. Bisexual boys will be bisexual men and, good heath and luck willing, bisexual octogenarians... I believe you are referring to a bi-curious or questioning individual.It is true that bisexuals may settle down with one sex or the other... but they do not stop being bisexual.As a bisexual myself I can attempt to clarify... it's a bit like going on a diet.

When do you start being bisexual?

If you're bisexual, you're born that way.