Yes cheating is considered a sin. Cheating on a test or to any other person is a sin because by cheating you are being dishonest. Being dishonest is just like lying. And lying is a sin.
The question is ambiguous. Cheating on what? Tic-tac-toe? The bar exam? Your wife? This would affect the gravity of the sin. Cheating on your wife is Adultery. It is clearly against the Commandment. It is ALWAYS a Mortal Sin. In the other types of cheating mentioned, gravity of the sin is relational to the gravity of the act. I would say that cheating on an important test is a Mortal Sin.
It depends on your religion. If you are Buddhist or Atheist , then its not really a sin for you. Its not sin for the Islamic religion but you really shouldn't cheat though. But it is a sin if your Catholic or a Christian. I am a Catholic myself. Cheating and Stealing is wrong, therefore it is a sin.
cheating* Cheating is an act of dishonesty. Dishonesty makes one a liar. Lying is a sin (Revelation 21:8).
If you're talking about cheating then yes, it is a sin but, however, if she asks her husband and god for forgiveness and the husband doesn't forgive, then that too is a sin.
An example of a sin could be lying, stealing, cheating, or committing murder. These are actions that go against moral or religious principles.
if you are in a relationship with another human like being a boyfriend or girlfriend then yes it is
if you were married when you had your children that part is not a sin, the bible however says that you should only get a divorce if your spouse is unfaithful(cheating ) if that isn't the case then that part is a sin
Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Anger, Envy, Lieing, Murder, Stealing, and Cheating.
How about u count urself and stop sin the computer and get smart kids student stop cheating
Adultry is 'cheating' on your wife. In most places kissing is not considered a sin and is certainly not a crime.
Because the person who cheat is the one that betrayed you. If the two of you are married and one of you did cheat, in the eyes of God it is a sin and by the Bible- God says when we look at someone who is not our spouse and lust is all about what's in our mind that is a sin...
No. While some Christians do think that kissing before marriage is a sin, there is no biblical basis for that. However, Christians should keep their kisses pure, and not let it turn sexual unless they are married.