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While there is no such thing as a "normal" menstrual cycle, 60 days is terribly long. I suspect that instead of a long cycle, what you are actually experiencing is intermittent ammenorrhea where you fail to ovulate or bleed at regular intervals. Many women who have anovulatory cycles will still bleed at regular intervals due to the progesterone drop they experience after the body attempts ovulation.

In your case, it seems that when you fail to ovulate, you fail to bleed as well. Many women have occasional anovulatory cycles. I recommend that you begin charting your basal body temperature over a period of time in order to see if you are ovulating or not, and if you are, what percentage of cycles are ovulatory. Short of an ultrasound, charting BBT is the simplest way to tell if you ovulated in a cycle.

That being said, you should probably see a doctor to rule out a more serious explanation than occasional anovulation.

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Q: Is a 60-day menstrual cycle normal?
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