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Which Stanley Yelnats do you mean?

If it's OUR Stanley yelnats, then he's the 4th generation.

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Q: Is Stanley yelnats the fourth or the 5th generation?
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The 4th generation of ipod touch is allready out. It isn't as amazing as the 5th generation, which is coming out in September 2011. It will be worth the wait.

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The 5th generation has got a microphone and a camera at the back of it. Plus, its screen is slightly bigger than the 4th

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There are actually four different regions in the Pokemon world. All of them are generations. Generation 1 was based on the kanto region. Generation 2 was in Jhoto. The third generation is the Hoenn region, and the fourth generation is based on the Sinoh region. Although in 2011, there will be a 5th generation that is yet to be known.

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Yes. The iPod touch 5th generation is considerably taller and slimmer than the 4th generation model, which means Otterboxes and other cases made for the 4th generation iPod touch will not fit it.

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5th generation

What are the differences between fourth and fifth generation of computer?

4th generation of computers are acts as user define computers but 5th generation computers are act as automatic computers by means it doing its works automatically

Does the ipod fourth generation have a camera?

Yes!!!!!!! It is pretty good but when you zoom in and take a picture it usually will go fuzzy! Saying all this i reconmend you get 4th generation ipod! It is great!