The fourth generation of computers, which emerged in the mid-1970s to mid-1980s, saw the development of microprocessors, enabling smaller and more powerful machines. Fifth-generation computers, beginning in the late 1980s, focused on Artificial Intelligence and parallel processing, aiming to create machines capable of learning and reasoning like humans. Additionally, fifth-generation computers utilized new technologies such as superconductors and optical fibers to enhance speed and efficiency.
Well, honey, the fourth generation of computers saw the birth of microprocessors, while the fifth generation brought us artificial intelligence and parallel processing. Fourth-gen computers were like the awkward teenage years, figuring things out, while fifth-gen computers are the cool kids on the block, revolutionizing the way we interact with technology. It's like comparing a flip phone to a smartphone - both serve their purpose, but one is definitely more advanced.
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hard to say. there are so many different definitions of computer generations.
The evolution of fourth generation of computer till date was the use of microchips as the memory capacity and this has helped in manufacturing of computer till date.
probably fourth, but after third people tend to differ on generation definitions.
The Second Generation Computer used transistors
Fourth Generation
Differentiate between third generation of computers and fourth generation?"
Third Generation Computers were made out of Integrated Circuits and Fourth Generation Computers are made of Microprocessors.
we are in fourth generation but the fifth generation is now proceeding
fourth generation computer
steve jobs
hard to say. there are so many different definitions of computer generations.
red alert
The evolution of fourth generation of computer till date was the use of microchips as the memory capacity and this has helped in manufacturing of computer till date.
We are currently in Fourth generation Era(1971 - Today)
probably fourth, but after third people tend to differ on generation definitions.
The Second Generation Computer used transistors