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No it is not. it can be normal when you are having your period or during pregnancy but other than that no. go to your gyno.

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Q: Is Breast soreness for 2 weeks normal?
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Is it normal to be 2 weeks pregnant and not have sore nipples?

The entire breast, including the nipples, can be sore at 6 weeks of pregnancy.

You have had breast soreness for 2 weeks straight now areola are darkening just around the edges constipated tired and cramping on left and right sides of uterus could you be pregnant?

If you have missed a period, yes you could, take a test.

What does it mean if your breasts are sore?

You may be pre-mentrating (getting close to your period). Your hormones increase the liquid in your breasts. It will pass & they will return to normal size. 2. You may be pregnant. Your breasts are starting to produce and store milk for the baby. Breast soreness in itself can be caused by many things from a approaching period, to just finishing your period to pregnancy, bra rubbing your breasts etc. Anything can cause breast soreness.

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How many weeks from Jan first to May first?

17 weeks and 1 day in a normal year and 17 weeks and 2 days in a leap year.17 weeks and 1 day in a normal year and 17 weeks and 2 days in a leap year.17 weeks and 1 day in a normal year and 17 weeks and 2 days in a leap year.17 weeks and 1 day in a normal year and 17 weeks and 2 days in a leap year.17 weeks and 1 day in a normal year and 17 weeks and 2 days in a leap year.17 weeks and 1 day in a normal year and 17 weeks and 2 days in a leap year.17 weeks and 1 day in a normal year and 17 weeks and 2 days in a leap year.17 weeks and 1 day in a normal year and 17 weeks and 2 days in a leap year.17 weeks and 1 day in a normal year and 17 weeks and 2 days in a leap year.17 weeks and 1 day in a normal year and 17 weeks and 2 days in a leap year.17 weeks and 1 day in a normal year and 17 weeks and 2 days in a leap year.

Normal size of breast?

A chicken breast can weigh up to 1/2 a pound.

You had your period 2 weeks ago and am bleeding again is that normal?

I had my period 2 weeks ago and am bleeding again is that normal?

Your breast have been tender for a few weeks and your period was earlier than normal what does than mean?

cause ur a fat w*** and uve had intercourse 2 many times

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What soap can help with breast enhancement?

Yes. Dove is a proven fact that your breast will grow within 2 weeks.

You had unprotected sex 2 weeks ago and your breast hurt?

Nope, wasn't me.

Is Brown spotting 2 weeks after period is over normal?

no not normal