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While early pregnancy testing is possible it often yields a false negative. In cases where fertility drugs are used it can yield a false positive. It is best to wait 14-16 days after ovulation, unprotected sex, or embryo transfer for the most accurate results.

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Q: Is 9 dpo too early to test for a positive pregnancy test?
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Can you get positive preg test 5 dpo?

earliest I have had one is 6 dpo with First Response Early Result.

21 dpo and BFN could you still be pregnant?

Yes! Some women don't produce enough HCG hormone in early pregnancy for the HPT to detect. If you are 21 DPO and your BBT is still hight, I would suggest going to the doctor for a blood pregnancy test.

Your nipples have become very hard and sore approx 3 dpo could this be a sign of pregnancy?

Typically 3 dpo is too early for any pregnancy symptoms, however there have been medical reports of women showing slight symptoms this early. Symptoms can include: cramping, tender and/or enlarged breast, sore nipples. The only true way to find out if you are pregnant though is to take a pregnancy test closer to when your period is due to arrive.

Can a headache that has lasted 3 or 4 days be an early sign of pregnancy if it's only been 9 days since possible conception?

It can be. But it could also just be that, a bad long lasting headache due to perhaps stress. If it persists see your doctor. Get him/her to do a blood test for a possible pregnancy. Pregnancy headaches can start as early as 7-10 dpo as the hcg level begins to rise.

Is taking a pregnancy test a week after you missed your period still accurate?

There are early pregnancy tests that can detect as early as 6 DPO (days past ovulation), but most store bought tests can only detect as early as 5 days before your expected period.A pregnancy can not be ruled out until after the period is missed. A negative pregnancy test before then, is not a guarantee that you aren't pregnant.If you are only 7 DPO, then the best bet would be to wait at least another day or 2, then use FMU (first morning urine) and test with a sensitive test, such as First Response Early Result, or the Clear Blue Digital tests.Having symptoms is a very good sign.

If your breasts become tender at 5 dpo and then the tenderness disappear at 10 dpo is it a sign of miscarriage?

No it's a sign of pms. Not pregnancy. Sorry.

Can you take a pregnancy test 15 dpo?

A serum hCG will definitely show an increase in hCG by 15 dpo, an HPT - depending on the brand needs to show an increase from <5mIU/ml, to 50mIU/ml to 100mIU/ml - depending on the brand. If yours is the more sensitive, and positive at 50mIU/m then you should be OK if not hold off a couple more days. Using urine from your first void of the day.

Do these sound like early pregnancy symptoms Im 6 DPO and I have been feeling lower back pains and I need to pee almost every hour it's been like that since yesterday. Can you get early symptoms?

That sounds like a UTI more than pregnancy symptoms.

Does it mean that you are pregnant if you have pinching pains in your vagina 8 DPO?

Not a normal sign of pregnancy.

How early can you have pregnancy symptoms in your cycle?

You can start to get symptoms as soon as the egg implants usually 8-10 dpo, but don't worry if you don't some people don't get symptoms for several weeks.

Can you get a positive HPT on 10 DPO even if you have a long cycle?

Yes, it is posible. Some HPTs can detect enough HCG hormone as early as 4 days before your missed period. It is rare to get a false positive. If you get a negative, don't assume you aren't pregnant - you could be pregnant and should test again if you miss your period. PS, I long cycle doesn't effect how acurate an HPT is.

Is a level of 56 hcg for 16 dpo normal?

That number is well within normal limits. The numbers can vary quite a lot and still be normal. Please see the chart below: 10 DPO: 10 - 50 mIU/ml HcG 13 DPO: 20 - 100 mIU/ml HcG 16 DPO: 40 - 200 mIU/ml HcG 19 DPO: 80 - 400 mIU/ml HcG 22 DPO: 160 - 800 mIU/ml HcG Since you were 56 at 16 DPO, you are within the normal limits. Congratulations on your pregnancy!