Yes! Some women don't produce enough HCG hormone in early pregnancy for the HPT to detect. If you are 21 DPO and your BBT is still hight, I would suggest going to the doctor for a blood pregnancy test.
If your BBT goes back up then the dip in temperature could indicate implanation, and you cuold be pregnant. It is also possible that you have a luteal phase defect and AF is coming.
I would say you are pregnant!!
About 6 weeks and 2 days.
Not a normal sign of pregnancy.
I would say it's highly unlikely. Typically a drop in temperature means that your progesterone level is falling off and the cycle is coming to an end. Combined with a negatve test 14 days after ovulation, I would say there is a very strong possibility that the next cycle will be starting in the next day or two.
Yes, it is possible that you experienced implantation bleeding and cramping.
What is the full form of dpo
The first day you see a spike/increase in your BBT could be the first DPO. But it needs to remain high for a few days to confirm that ovulation has occured.
That number is well within normal limits. The numbers can vary quite a lot and still be normal. Please see the chart below: 10 DPO: 10 - 50 mIU/ml HcG 13 DPO: 20 - 100 mIU/ml HcG 16 DPO: 40 - 200 mIU/ml HcG 19 DPO: 80 - 400 mIU/ml HcG 22 DPO: 160 - 800 mIU/ml HcG Since you were 56 at 16 DPO, you are within the normal limits. Congratulations on your pregnancy!
Dow 30 Premium (DPO)had its IPO in 2007.
Wear it?