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The THC found in marijuana is actually a bronchial dilator - as in, it works like a cough drop so it actually increases your oxygen consumption.

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Q: If your lungs swell when smoking marijuana can you die?
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What is the percentage of someone dying from smoking marijuana?

You cannot die from smoking marijuana.

How many people a year die from smoking marijuana?

None. You would have to smoke 6500 or more joints to reach a toxic level. There is a risk when smoking anything that the lungs could be affected. Vaporizing or eating marijuana is a healthier option.

Why do people die from smoking?


Are women with high blood pressure in danger of smoking marijuana?

yes because the blood is getting drugged which will afecct your lungs and may cause damage or possibly die.

How many people die from medical marijuana?

Zero. There are no records of death resulting from marijuana smoking.

Are there health risks from smoking marijuana?

yes you will die .... or get brain damage

Can you die the first day that you try marijuana?

So far as I know, nobody has ever died from smoking just a small amount of marijuana. If you plan on smoking an entire forest of it, you probably will die, however.

Can you die from smoking weed all the time?

One can not overdose on marijuana. Long terms effects are no different from cigarette smoking.

Can you die from marijuana drug abuse?

Unless you smoke your body weight, which is impossible, you cannot die from marijuana. You will probably fall asleep after smoking an ounce or two, depending on how good the bud is.

How does smoking affect the respetory system?

If some one smokes way! to much or at all they can die because that is bad air that you breath in to your lungs andyou can get a sickness in your lungs and die

What are the affects of smoking on newborn babies?

The baby could have cancer, asma...asthma, their lungs could get ruined and aveoli in the lungs could die too. they could die. it depends.

How many people died from smoking weed?

People do not die from simply smoking marijuana, they may have been under the influence of the drug while dying. Unless the person is only breathing in marijuana smoke (by force) as seen on an episode of CSI where a young man was forced to inhale, and unfortunately it caused him to suffocate when he was no longer intaking oxygen to his lungs. The marijuana itself does not kill someone though. In Britain, official government statistics listed five deaths from cannabis in the period 1993-1995 but these proved to have been deaths due to inhalation of vomit after smoking the drug.