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2,000 calories. Use a food journal. Nobody should go under 2,000 calories or your metabolism will slow down and almost stop. This will make it harder for you to lose weight.

Read the book "Diet Cure" by Julia Ross. It is an excellent book.

Eat low carbohydrate non-starch vegetables and proteins like chicken and fish at each meal.

Limit your fruits, eat a few low carbohydrate fruits such as berries, and eliminate processed sugars and the glutinous grains.

Limit rice and corn to 1/2 cup per day.

Slowly start adding activities that are more physical. Your muscles need to be stretched. Your bones need compression to be healthy. Just don't shock your body by going from no exercise to vigorous, demanding workouts.

For those whose diets always fail, try a reverse diet.

Journal (write down) the foods you normally would eat but did not eat.

If you normally eat chocolate, cut the portion in half and log the half not eaten. In fact, try to only eat half of what is on your plate and just leave the rest.

Don't limit yourself too much or you will get hungry and over eat.

For more information about diet and the causes of weight gain, see the page links, further down this page, listed under "Related Questions."

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Q: If you weigh 220 pounds and want to lose weight how many calories should be eaten each day?
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How many Calories should be eaten dailey?

Take the weight you want to be, and multiply by 10. That's how many calories. 120 lbs = 1,200 calories 180 lbs = 1,800 calories

How does lacked of exercise affect your weight?

If calories consumed (eaten) are more than calories burned (through exercise), then this energy will be stored as sugar in the liver and fat on the body. So a lack of exercise in comparison with calories eaten will result in weight gain.

Does pizza go to your gut?

This depends on when the pizza is eaten. If pizza is eaten right before a large period of inactivity, it is possible that the calories eaten will not be burned off. Weight is gained when the amount of calories eaten is greater than the amount of calories consumed. Pizza in moderation is alright, but if too much pizza is eaten and not enough activity is done in the day, weight gain will occur. However, one never knows where one will gain weight; that is all coded by genetics.

Where can I find information on counting calories to lose weight?

You can get information on counting calories to lose weight using an apple app like fitness count that will tell you how many calories you have eaten from what you input.

How many calories should be eaten in one week?

Everybody should eat at least 14,000 calories a week

What are two things that you can do with calories that will help you lose weight?

Eat less calories, and burn more calories than you've eaten exercising. The only way to lose weight is if you burn more calories than you consume.

How many potatoes can you eat to lose weight?

Sorry- no magic food or diet will make you lose weight. calories of ANYTHING eaten must be less than calories burned to lose weight.

Which gender can consume more calories without gaining weight?

On average, males have a higher proportion of muscle mass to total body weight and are heavier.More muscles means that the same amount of exercise can burn more calories. With more calories burned, more calories can be eaten w/o adding weight.

When your hungry and don't eat do you lose weight?

Often yes, bit not necessarily. You lose weight when you eater fewer calories than you burn. Some people will feel hungry even when they have eaten enough calories to maintain weight.

If you only eat three things a day how long till you lose weight?

There is no way to answer how long it will take to lose weight because it depends on the calories that are being eaten daily. Three things a day may have more calories than six or ten things a day. Losing weight depends on one thing: calories in = calories out.

How do you calculate weight into calories?

when you eata food look on the label and read the calories per serving, then check the serving size, and see how many parts of a serving you ate, and calculate how many calories you have eaten do that for all the foods you eat and you will know how many calories you ate that day!

Snack On Fruit And Lose More Weight?

The fruit flush diet is a top way to reduce excess water weight and feel several pounds lighter within a few days. This type of diet can lead to weight loss of up to 10 pounds in a short amount of time by helping to remove buildup that can add pounds and make many feel sluggish. To flush out unwanted material, a piece of fruit is eaten every two hours for three days at a time. The fruit is eaten raw, such as apples and other high fiber fruits. These will provide the fastest weight loss while keeping calories low.