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No definitely not every day that you smoke your health is being harmed By stopping the habit of smoking you will improve your health and your ability to do many things that smoking makes you unfit for. QUITTING SMOKING IS GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

smoking is bad no matter what but yes if you cut down or smoke less then you increase your chances.

also change the way you smoke and how fast you smoke it.

for example, dont inhale too deeply..and take your time with the cigarette or dont fully smoke a whole cigarette.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

yes smoking is bad for you. it can cause will also cause bad damage to your lungs if u smoke.ull have to face health risks if u smoke to much.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

depends on how long you have been smoking and how lucky you are

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if you start smoking it can effect you in just minutes. but if you smoke for a long period of time, it can shorten your life by 11 years.

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Depends on what you are talking about kiddo. Smoking? Alchohol? Who knows.

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no, as long as you dont inhale , no harm will be done

When did the awarenes of harmful smoking begin?

Warnings about harm from smoking began in the Seventeenth Century, not long after tobacco was introduced to Europe. American aboriginal cultures used tobacco as a ceremonial drug, and generally did not smoke enough to experience its harmful effects.

How many days does smoking take to affect your body?

How many days smoking affects your body is questionable. Someone that smokes for even one day will notice changes. Someone who smokes for a long time will have changes of their respiratory and cardiovascular system.

How long do the side affects of quitting smoking last?

The side the effects of nicotine withdraw should not last more then 5 days. Usually nicotine leave your body about 2-24 hours after stop smoking. The craving get less and less day by day.

Can payday loans harm your financial health?

I am not certain what is meant by "harm" unless it is that unpaid loans or late payment affects your credit rating, which in some cases it most assuredly does. Then of course there is the exorbitant interest rate which very often keeps the consumer in debt to the lender for a long, long time.

How long do you stay in jail for smoking?

For smoking, none. Smoking is not an illegal activity.

What effect does smoking have on a teenager's lifestyle?

It can really mess it up, and can lead to no future or a very bleak one. It can also greviously harm you and have detimental long term mental and physical damage.