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no, as long as you dont inhale , no harm will be done

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13y ago
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12y ago

yes it is because it has toxic in it and why the world would you ask this question

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12y ago

i think it doesnt because i ask a friend if smoking line paper can hurt you but she said no but she said that printer paper can hurt you so no it cant

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Q: Does smoking paper without inhaling harm you?
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How does smoking harm your health?

You are inhaling smoke and nicotine. It clogs up your veins and damages your lungs and liver.

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No. Vaporizing is like inhaling water vapor. Not even smoking marijuana will harm your lungs. You might cough, but that's it.

Can inhaling pipe tobacco harm you?

Yes it can

Can you get lung cancer from smoking paper?

No, you can't get lung cancer from smoking paper, it's just burnt paper that your inhaling. So it's not harmful to your body at all. Answer: All paper comes from trees and are processed. Whatever was used in processing is going directly into your lungs.

What major organ does smoking harm?

smoking harms your lungs

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No, but that doesn't mean smoking does not harm the body.

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Quitting smoking does not cause harm. On the contrary you get to restore your health and live a more energetic life.

How does smoking harm the respiratory system?

Smoking causes cancer and heart attacks.

Can you still get pregnant while smoking weeds?

Yes. But smoking while pregnant will cause harm to the baby. Twice as much harm than smoking tobacco. See the related question below.

Can smoking harm the ozone layer?

Yes, it can. The gases released could harm Ozone.