If you miss your period and have had sex that month
Only if you're pregnant
Most women miss there first months period after becoming pregnant. Some have their period throughout pregnancy.
i have had my period ever day since sept.
Not pregnant, but get a professional opinion about the reasons for missed periods.
No test is 100% accurate.
Yes these are signs of pregnancy.
you count how far along you are by the first day of your last period. So by the time you miss your period you are technically considered 2 weeks pregnant.
You will know if you are pregnant if you miss your period.
if you mean that you missed one period, and got the rest of them. chances are, you only missed your period due to stress.
If you miss your period.Usually your period will come each month as it is suppose to do.But if you soon see no sign of your period and know that u have been involved with a male then it is most likely you are pregnant.