Yes, a mother who takes drugs while pregnant is committing child abuse. The state can/will take the child.
Of course they will.
yes Do not take marijuana in place of any birth controll or condoms u will get pregnant!
yes because for one marijuana is a illegal drug[where i live] and they will inspect your baby to make sure the smoke hasn't harmed the babys lungs.
Probably, and the marijuana will mess up your kid, too.
A "bit" of marijuana will do no harm to the fetus, however habitual/daily smoking of marijuana (Or tobacco) will have adverse effects on the unborn baby.
Most people that take marijuana are teenagers aged 12-18 years. The main reason why they take marijuana is because of curiosity and eventually become addicted to it.
No. Even if the mother smokes marijuana while she is pregnant, the baby cannot be born addicted to it, since marijuana is not physically addictive. Of course, this does NOT mean it's okay to smoke marijuana while you're pregnant. You're not supposed to take ANY drugs -- including caffeine -- while you're pregnant.
No. Your baby is asked to fill out a questioner.
it doesn't!
(NOT POLICE ADVICE) it depends on how old the baby is. if the baby is 1-6 than more than likely the parent will go to jail. if the baby is 9-20 than you will either be put on probation, or put on jail. new test. actually however old the child is they will still take them away marijuana is illegal period
yeah, the baby will be born a marijuana baby, which not only is it bad for the kid, it will have it in it's system.if it ever smokes weed later on in it's lifetime, it will be more tolerant and will take more for the child to get high.Now a-days if a baby tests positive for any drugs including marijuana the state will take the child and the mom gets charged with injury to child... it happened to my friend 2 months agoWeed can kill or fatally injure your child. Chances are it will come out with a disability or worse. It can die.
Marijuana stays in an unborn baby's system for 60to 90 days. It has been shown that babies subjected to marijuana in the womb, have a higher intelligence level.