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I would assume around 50-100 a day; but that would only be if the person is very twitchy and likes to tap their pencil on the desk and swing there legs back and forth.

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Q: If the average person consumes 2500 calories per day what percent of your weekly calories did you burn just by sitting in your class last week?
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Do you lose calories just sitting?

Yes. You might burn 64 calories per hour just sitting.

Does sitting in school writing burn calories?

Yes. Virtually everything requires some calories to do, but sitting and writing does not take too many calories to perform.

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How many calories can you lose from sitting down for an hour?

Around max 3 calories per min, so up to 180 calories per hour by sitting.

How many calories do you lose sitting for 1 hour?

84 calories

How do you burn calories sitting down?

get up

How many calories do you gain per min on the computer?

You don't gain calories from sitting. You gain calories from eating.

How many calories do you burn when you bathe?

3 to 4 calories per hour, if you're not just sitting there.

How many calories you burn in an hour while sitting?


How many calories do you burn sleeping?

not many. if ur sitting around doing nothing for an hour, and you're awake, a man usually burns anywhere from 80-180 calories, depending on size, weight metbolism etc. the average adult male burns around 125 calories per hour while sedentary, whereas a girl who sits around for an hour on that same couch gets cheated by evolution and only burns around 80-100 calories. While asleep it goes down to around 65-95 an hour, depending on sex, height, metabolism. average man, probably 75 asleep, average girl, probably around the same. from what i have heard you burn more fat when sleeping then you do just sitting awake in one place

Do you burn the same amount of calories while sitting at a desk as you might while asleep?

Scientists say the average 35 year old female will burn 46 calories an hour sitting at a desk, whereas the same female would burn 50 calories per hour sleeping. The numbers vary depending on your sex, weight, age, height and metabolic rate. But the numbers are fairly similar. Hope this helps.

What burns only slightly more calories than sleeping?
