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Scientists say the average 35 year old female will burn 46 calories an hour sitting at a desk, whereas the same female would burn 50 calories per hour sleeping. The numbers vary depending on your sex, weight, age, height and metabolic rate. But the numbers are fairly similar. Hope this helps.

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Q: Do you burn the same amount of calories while sitting at a desk as you might while asleep?
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Do you lose calories just sitting?

Yes. You might burn 64 calories per hour just sitting.

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According to a box of Kellogg Cornflakes, the amount of calories needed by a child in a day is 6000 calories. It might be different for other people but that is the average amount for a child.

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The unit in SI is joule; also used kcal (not in SI).

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Very few. Calories are technically a nutrient; they're in there. If it's a homemade sauce with dark chocolate, you may get some antioxidant's, but it's a fairly minimal amount and not really a good reason to ingest a vast amount of chocolate sauce. If there's any cream in there you might get a tiny amount of calcium. But primarily chocolate sauce is just sugar-based calories.

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Reducing Daily Calories Achieves Better Weight Loss Results?

With the amount of diets on the market, it can be confusing as to what really works. No matter which plan you choose, you ultimately need to reduce the amount of daily calories you consume to lose weight. One pound of fat is equivalent to 3,500 calories, so this is the minimum amount you will need to reduce through exercise or better food choices for each pound. Although a reduced-calorie diet might seem like a daunting task, there are easy ways you can decrease calories on a daily basis so that you are not overwhelmed. Exercising a bit more each day, and reducing portion sizes will make significant impacts. Gradually decreasing calories overtime might take longer than other diets, but the results are more likely to stick.

What might be a reason for recent increases in child and teenage obesity?

Simply eating too many calories and not burning them off. Most people today spend hours and hours sitting and sitting, and eating about as many calories as a marathon runner should eat. I'm not saying ALL do, but a majority does. If they didn't, we wouldn't be this obese.

If you swim 500m breathstroke in a pool how much weight will you lose over a month?

Depends on what and how much you eat.And how hard, and for how long you exercise.Counting generously, each swimming session might use up 300 calories.300x30=9000 calories/month.If your eating right now is spot on, that amount of exercise might lose you about 3 lbs.

What is a calorie and how could counting calories be helpful?

a calorie is a mesure of fat like a cheese burger might have 2000 calories and a apple might have 20 so the more calories something has the more fatty it is and counting calories can help you loose weight in the way that you can keep count of how many calories you have had to how many you have lost