Okay. Are you for sure pregnant? You need to have your period to become pregnant. You also would have had to have sex with a guy. I doubt that that actually happened. But if it did, the first thing that you should do is tell your parents. They can get you help and do a pregnancy test. Just remember....don't panic. your going to be fine. promise. :) <3 good luck
Eight years olds should be eight years old.
No because the judge will tell you that you need your parents help.
It may be possible , however incredibly unlikely, danes live to an average of eight years old and seven is quite close to that
If you're ten years old, you're not pregnant.
You can move out at any age, but why would yuou want to if you are pregnant? Get your parents to help you....
he is 21 years old.
Wikipeadia is eight years old.
eight years old
well if the eight year old is a girl and has started their period and has had sex, then they have as much chance as anyone else to get pregnant.
What is your question?
if you are 12 years old and pregnant then i strongly advise you to if you not have done this yet to tell a parent or a adult that you trust and ask them because different outcomes are recommended for different situations but i recommend that you have the baby and if not adoption then raise it with a trusted adults help