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I am also 14 weeks pregnant and not showing yet - my clothes are tighter than they were, but that's about it. Have been told it's normal not to show until about 16 weeks onwards, but everyone's different....

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Q: I am 14 weeks pregnant and I am still not showing is this normal?
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You can get pregnant NOW, it is not still from the miscarriage. If you feel like it, go for it.

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Yes that is - i am 16 weeks and not showing just yet and my sister in law only showed at 20 weeks she is now 25 weeks along and she has a tiny little bump

Is it normal to not be showing at 30 weeks?

Yes it's normal for you and many others. It was not normal for me who blew up as a balloon when I hit second trimester. My point is that every woman is different. Some are close to give birth and still it's hard to say whether they are pregnant or not. Trust the doctor when he says everything is normal.

Why does my pregnancy test still say I'm 2 weeks pregnant?

Either you are two weeks pregnant, or the hormones of a normal pregnancy stopped dividing - usually indicating the pregnancy has been miscarried.

Are you still pregnant if you were told you had a miscarriage but you are still showing?

It depends how long ago your miscarriage was. As you don't start showing until 14-15 weeks it is possible you had a miscarriage, one of twins and you are still pregnant with the other. Take a pregnancy test if it was more than 4 weeks ago.

Is it possible to show if you're between four and six weeks pregnant?

At six weeks pregnant the baby is around 10mm big. If you are showing it is probably a distention of your bowel, more than the baby pushing your belly out. I would say that you are not "showing" in the true sense, but it is possible that your belly is sticking out a bit. You are more likely to begin showing at around 10 weeks pregnant.