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i am seven weeks pregnant and i have cramping everyday is it normal

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Q: Is cramping normal at 7 weeks pregnant?
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Is it normal to be 7 weeks pregnant and not have any symptoms?

Yes, It is normal to be 7 weeks pregnant and not have any symptoms I am almost 8 weeks pregnant and i have only had minor cramping so I never suspected anything except that I was 3 weeks late.

Can you have light bleeding with cramps and still be pregnant I have had nausea 24 7 for 3 weeks and sore breasts but today I started cramping with light bleeding and no clots is this ok or normal?

dats nasty

If you'r 30 weeks pregnant are you 6 and a half months?

7 and a half. Normal pregnancy is about 40 weeks.

How many weeks are you pregnant if you have 7 weeks and 6 days left?

Normal pregnancy is 40 weeks (37 to 42 weeks is accepted as normal) 40 - 8 weeks = 32 weeks - 1 day = 31 weeks 6 days

How long is it normal to bleed for when 7 weeks pregnant?

Its not at all. You need to make a app with your obgyn ASAP!

In what month does cramping start?

Im only 7 weeks, and i cramp all the time. its not bad cramping, but its mild come and go type cramping..

You are 6-7 weeks pregnant and have an ultrasound scheduled next week yesterday you noticed pink blood only when you wipe Nothing is on your underwear or comes out when you urniate only when you wipe?

As long as you are not bleeding heavy or cramping it is normal. Call your Dr. Next week you will know if the baby still has a heartbeat. Do you still feel pregnant?

What is the average size of twins at 7 weeks pregnant?

When i had my 7 week scan theywere both 6.5mm. i dont know if this is average / normal.

Do you have aBdominal pains if your pregnant?

Yes, when I was about 7 to 12 weeks along i had minor cramping that felt like the cramps I got when I was on my period but my doctor said it is usually caused by your uterus stretching.

Is it normal to have hard tummy in 7 weeks pregnant?

Let's hope so, because I'm at 7 weeks, too, and noticed that things are feeling pretty firm. My guess is that our uteruses are getting bigger.

What is 7 weeks pregnant in months?

28 weeks. If u pt 4 weeks 2 each month like I do then 28 weeks makes you 7 months pregnant so actually we be pregnant for for 10 months.

You are 5 weeks pregnant and very bloated is that normal?

Bloating during pregnancy is VERY normal. I am 16 weeks pregnant now and some days I still have extreme bloating. Even when I was only 6 or 7 weeks pregnant, I looked much more than that because I was so bloated. It does get better though the further along you get.